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I haven't see Mark Charles lately. Is he still with QVC? Maybe he has been on and I have just missed seeing him.

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I saw him on air probably two weeks ago, he could be on vacation.

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I saw him last week or so, but it seems he is on less and so is Eric Theiss. There is another man that is new to on screen presenting that I've noticed lately, though he's worked there for several years behind the scenes, I think he said.

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@catter70 wrote:

I saw him last week or so, but it seems he is on less and so is Eric Theiss. There is another man that is new to on screen presenting that I've noticed lately, though he's worked there for several years behind the scenes, I think he said.


Joe McAllister perhaps?  He has been on the middle of the night cooking 

programs for a very long time.  Behind the scenes too.  He has a nice resume. 

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I enjoy Joe during the night with the newer hosts. Thanks for mentioning his name,


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@aggravated Nope, it's not Joe McAllister. I've just been seeing this guy for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I can't think of his name. I bet he'll be on Cooking day  this Wednesday. 

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@catter70 wrote:

@aggravated Nope, it's not Joe McAllister. I've just been seeing this guy for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I can't think of his name. I bet he'll be on Cooking day  this Wednesday. 


     Tall, very slender, bald???  Can't remember his name, but he has been on for several and on. He presents the EVO jar, the All Clad cookware and the knife sharpening deal!

     Joe Mc presents lots of Cooks Essentials....


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@corita wrote:

@catter70 wrote:

@aggravated Nope, it's not Joe McAllister. I've just been seeing this guy for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I can't think of his name. I bet he'll be on Cooking day  this Wednesday. 


     Tall, very slender, bald???  Can't remember his name, but he has been on for several and on. He presents the EVO jar, the All Clad cookware and the knife sharpening deal!

     Joe Mc presents lots of Cooks Essentials....


Richard Roman?

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Posts: 618
Registered: ‎12-06-2015

@corita wrote:

@catter70 wrote:

@aggravated Nope, it's not Joe McAllister. I've just been seeing this guy for the past 2 or 3 weeks. I can't think of his name. I bet he'll be on Cooking day  this Wednesday. 


     Tall, very slender, bald???  Can't remember his name, but he has been on for several and on. He presents the EVO jar, the All Clad cookware and the knife sharpening deal!

     Joe Mc presents lots of Cooks Essentials....


@corita, Rick Roman?

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Posts: 940
Registered: ‎05-30-2011

Tara McConnell Tesher isn't on as much as she used to either.