MadeInUSA2 said:
".....in today's world since most companies care only about profits and simply turn a deaf ear to everything else. "
SMALL companies operate the exact same way...to MAKE A PROFIT for themselves and thier families, and enough to keep thier employees, employed.
NO ONE'S "Giving it away" or hanging on to people they can't afford to pay salary and benefits and overheads to.
Sheeesh. The average hourly wage in the US now is about 33.00 and hour...that's 265 PER DAY for each employee, NOT INCLUDING overheads like benefits, SS taxes, health insurance, sick time....
265 a day . 1320 a week....$68,000 a year.
You don't keep employees hanging on at those levels of wages if they aren't producing for your business, or, the business can't sustain that.
(NOTE: AVERAGE wage per hour, Bureau of Labor Statistics as of Feb 2022)
Wage inflation is part of what is causing inflation. It's a double edged sword...if YOU or someone in YOUR family is making more now, do you want them to go back to their previous wages to "make things cheaper"? I think not.
And C+D were NOT hourly employees you can bet on that.
Doesn't ANYONE out there own a small business? Even if your employees make HALF that per hour, YOU figure it out how much it costs per week to hold onto someone, "just because"...
NOT how the world works today.
Or ever did.