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Love model Blair's new cut and color.

She looks adorable!Heart

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

I saw it last night and I have to say that I am not a fan of the cut or color.  To each his own right?

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

I think she looks pretttier in her dark hair

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

[ Edited ]

Is she an actress?  I thought maybe she is doing it for a part.  She is stunningly beautiful.

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

I think she looks stunning!!!!

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

I think it’s gorgeous and fits her face beautifully.  


It’s not really “new” though; she cut it and dyed it like this back in the Fall 2018.  She’s been wearing wigs on air until now.  

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Re: Love model Blair's new cut and color.

Personally, I do not like either the color or the diminishes her lovliness and makes her look unhealthy!