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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

@Nataliesgramma - LOL!!


@Nataliesgramma wrote:



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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

When you mention her name the only thing that comes to mind is, her dark lip liner that made it look like she just drank chocolate milk.  For someone who was suppose to have style, you would have thought she could have corrected that.

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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I am one of the Lisa fans.  But I realize she has moved on and I have accepted that.  As they say in Spanish, "Que le vaya bien."

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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I don't get why so many are still obsessed with this woman.  LR has moved on so should everybody else.

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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

Ten million dollars????? Seriously,how did you choose that figure?  

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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return


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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I personally can't imagine that QVC would ever ask Lisa to come back.  I'm in the camp that thinks it probably wasn't her choice to leave.

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Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I can't understand why you just can't stop starting Lisa must be trying to keep her memory alive for a reason.Qvc is going to make it,as long as they have product that people want to buy.I am not willing to pay more for product to bring Lisa back.I did enjoy her presentations but I am much more attached to my money.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I don't think she wants more clout or money.  She wants a life.  They worked her like a dog. 

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Registered: ‎03-14-2015

Re: Lisa Robertson says NO to a QVC return

I think that the Q is glad to have La Lisa gone, and I think that La Lisa is glad to have left.







I'll never understand why the o/p is so obsessed with the Lisa.



It seems stalker-ish to me.