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Lisa is like a world renowed diva. She stays at 5 star hotels, eats at the most expensive restaurants, buys from stores in Manhatten or Rodeo drive, drives a mercedes. She seriously has very very expensive taste. She truly lives like being on the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Does she make u envy her very rich and expensive life?
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Re: LR has very expensive taste


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Re: LR has very expensive taste

Ummm, not so much.  I much prefer my grandson's smile to all of those things.  

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

While I don’t think I envy Lisa I wouldn’t hate her lifestyle.

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

Is she an heiress?

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Re: LR has very expensive taste

No. I don't envy anyone.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: LR has very expensive taste

"world renowed"????

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Registered: ‎05-01-2010

Re: LR has very expensive taste

I don't think she is as "rich" as you think she is. When she flies she takes the cheapest flights possible having to make connections all the time instead of flying non stop. Her house from little I've seen on her FB, is nice but nothing outstanding.

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Registered: ‎05-30-2012

Re: LR has very expensive taste

I don't care what other people have. If that is the way she lives her life who cares..

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Re: LR has very expensive taste