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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

Several of the pieces are on last call or sold out.

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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

@culebra wrote:

Several of the pieces are on last call or sold out.

Only one piece sold, and frankly, I kind of think she might have bought that herself.

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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

@Moonchilde wrote:

@Sheilaray wrote:

@JJ wrote:

@dex wrote:

I watched for a few minutes but only saw the tanzanite necklace.I don't know how much it was as she was still building the hype when I quit watching.I didn't think there was anything unique about it except the size and possibilly the quality of the stones.What I found dissapoiting was the back of the neck where there were empty spaces surrounded by diamonds but no cabochons of tanzanite.Lisa looked beautiful as usual and sounded great...nice to see her.Does Katie live there with her...seems she goes everywhere with Lisa.

Yes.  Even her high school reunion.  Sorry, that's just weird, unless they are a couple.

On her Sunday chat, Lisa was talking about how she and Katie like butterfly bushes. Lisa, speaking to Katie (who was , of course, off air) stated, We should put them around OUR house".


I didn't like the fact there were no stones around the back, either.  Not everyone has long hair that would cover the back of the necklace. Further, what if you wanted to wear your hair in an updo when wearing it?



Not that it matters in that it's not (or rather, IMO should not be) considered negative or less than desirable (and I don't). It should be "oh, okay, whatever." But when I saw photos at Lisa's school reunion and who she brought with her - I don't wonder any longer.

I wasn't implying anything negative either.  I have no issues one or another.  I just think if that is the case, why not be up front about it.

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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

@Beansey wrote:

I can't watch her videos for very long. Watched the first few minutes then fast forward. Her love of jewelry is only second to her love of self. She seems so,shallow in her discussions.  It is obvious she wants to be wealthy and have a line of jewelry and fashion in her name like celebrities.  IMO, She misses a big audience and loves seeing herself on camera. I am amazed at the number of pictures she has taken of herself.  

I agree.  She lives to be adored -- That's her entire objective, and it's been obvious for a long time.

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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

Only one is actually sold. The last call is a ploy and it's been like that all day. LOL


I doubt Judith Ripka needs LaLisa to sell anything for her.

She is so desperate to be relevant.

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Re: LR Is Selling A $28,000 Necklace

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