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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!

I'm not seeing it either.  Clearly the Q site is in improvement mode (and I use the term loosely.)


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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!




I use an iPad, and mine changes from day to day.  “Recently On Air/Trending/ New” .  Every day is different.  I find “Recently On Air” useful but not the other two.

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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!

@LTT1 wrote:

@Nightowlz @


@dex @proudlyfromNJ @NicksmomESQ @author 



Mine is located to the left of the “Q” logo; and to the right of the “search” button on the banner that runs across the page toward the top. (Using an iPad Pro)




Isn’t It strange that all our pages look different?

@LTT1 . Mine looks like yours only I have had mine for at least a month. We both seem to be using the QVC IPad app.

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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!

 I think it must be "there" on Ipads, not my laptop.  It's there only at 150%....!  Phone app pages are way different too.


I don't mind using the drop down menu to find it.

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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!

If I enlarge the screen I can see it, but it's way to big for normal use....

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Re: Kudos! For the new “Recently on Air” banner button! Cute!

I can't find it,  

I use a blocker that might be why