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@AuntG wrote:

I like Kathy and watched her a lot. Had to decide between her and Murder, She Wrote on Sunday evenings so you know how long ago it was! Not sure this is the best career move - so much has changed in the world of TV shopping.

@AuntG   LOL Murder She Wrote is still on. I watched my favorite epi at 1:00 a.m. this morning -- The Witch's Curse. It was so great Hallmark Movies and Mysteries Channel.

@twinsister   @4kitties 

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@smoochy wrote:

@Cats3000 wrote:

@smoochy Can't wait for the return of Bob Bowersox and Steve Bryant.

😂😂😂 Bob Bowersnooze and Steve "I'm really a Rock Star"Bryant 

@smoochy  That gave me a laugh. I remember when Justin H. and John L. From the Moody Blues were on selling CDs and promoting their tour. Bryant hosted those shows and was swooning over them and practically fainted when they invited him back to their hotel to play his guitar.

(I don't think they meant it).   @Witchy Woman 

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@Pearlee wrote:

@smoochy wrote:

@Cats3000 wrote:

@smoochy Can't wait for the return of Bob Bowersox and Steve Bryant.

😂😂😂 Bob Bowersnooze and Steve "I'm really a Rock Star"Bryant 

@smoochy  That gave me a laugh. I remember when Justin H. and John L. From the Moody Blues were on selling CDs and promoting their tour. Bryant hosted those shows and was swooning over them and practically fainted when they invited him back to their hotel to play his guitar.

(I don't think they meant it).   @Witchy Woman 


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I thought of you last night as I set my DVR to record it.  I usually do not check the episodes that are on overnight but I did last night.  I plan to watch it tomorrow!

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@4kitties wrote:



I thought of you last night as I set my DVR to record it.  I usually do not check the episodes that are on overnight but I did last night.  I plan to watch it tomorrow!

@4kitties  It is so much fun -- I never tire of it, it always holds my interest. Even those pencil drawings at the opening of  old Salem are great!  

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I agree everybody should tune in to catch up with Kathy Levine. She was a real hoot. She knew jewelry in a way today's hosts don't. She understood what ladies liked. And QVC delivered. The designs back then were original. You didn't see these rings coming and going. Like the endless halos featured today. And the stone sizes back then were not unrealistic, like they are now. 1.5 cts. 2cts 3 cts. were typical  not 5, 7cts etc. The real metals without plating made the settings pop. And nobody questioned if they were real. They looked real. Today, not so much. i understand the cost is prohibitive now to use real gold. But the silver nowadays looks too bright, phony,  and sometimes feels like tinfoil instead of being substansial.  Back in the day I tuned into every show Kathy was on. LOVED her. And was sad to see her go. Can't wait to see what she brings to the table for this anniversary. I love Erin. But will be tickled to see Kathy Levine back in all her glory. She was the face of Diamonique for many years. A true renaissance of the brand, with her at the helm, temporarily touting these wares, is exciting for sure. I can't wait. 

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@tarytoo wrote:

I agree everybody should tune in to catch up with Kathy Levine. She was a real hoot. She knew jewelry in a way today's hosts don't. She understood what ladies liked. And QVC delivered. The designs back then were original. You didn't see these rings coming and going. Like the endless halos featured today. And the stone sizes back then were not unrealistic, like they are now. 1.5 cts. 2cts 3 cts. were typical  not 5, 7cts etc. The real metals without plating made the settings pop. And nobody questioned if they were real. They looked real. Today, not so much. i understand the cost is prohibitive now to use real gold. But the silver nowadays looks too bright, phony,  and sometimes feels like tinfoil instead of being substansial.  Back in the day I tuned into every show Kathy was on. LOVED her. And was sad to see her go. Can't wait to see what she brings to the table for this anniversary. I love Erin. But will be tickled to see Kathy Levine back in all her glory. She was the face of Diamonique for many years. A true renaissance of the brand, with her at the helm, temporarily touting these wares, is exciting for sure. I can't wait. 

Wasn't it Kathy Levine who referred to the large cz  rings as honkers? Of course they sold rings that were not believable. I would imagine that she will be selling whatever the buyers decide on. That is what they are paying her to do, just like when she sells Nutrisystem. If QVC is trying to attract younger shoppers, I don't think that she is the one to do it.

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@Pearlee - I taped that MSW episode last night, but haven't watched it yet.  One of my favorites!!!



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Really?  Oh, my --- that is so sad!  

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I never heard anything more about him after he was gone from the Q.  What he did career wise, whether he ever got re-married, or anything! 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin