I agree everybody should tune in to catch up with Kathy Levine. She was a real hoot. She knew jewelry in a way today's hosts don't. She understood what ladies liked. And QVC delivered. The designs back then were original. You didn't see these rings coming and going. Like the endless halos featured today. And the stone sizes back then were not unrealistic, like they are now. 1.5 cts. 2cts 3 cts. were typical not 5, 7cts etc. The real metals without plating made the settings pop. And nobody questioned if they were real. They looked real. Today, not so much. i understand the cost is prohibitive now to use real gold. But the silver nowadays looks too bright, phony, and sometimes feels like tinfoil instead of being substansial. Back in the day I tuned into every show Kathy was on. LOVED her. And was sad to see her go. Can't wait to see what she brings to the table for this anniversary. I love Erin. But will be tickled to see Kathy Levine back in all her glory. She was the face of Diamonique for many years. A true renaissance of the brand, with her at the helm, temporarily touting these wares, is exciting for sure. I can't wait.