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Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

Was just wondering if she went back to short hair again, looks cute.

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

It does look sooooo much better.  I'd say she gave up on long hair and had it styled to fit her face. 

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

I'm of the opposite opinion.  I think most ladies look better with a little length to their hair.  I will never wear mine that short.

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

Not all women can wear short hair, but I think Jill is one that looks better with short than the style-less long hair she was sporting.

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

Nope!  I've seen older women with long hair and think a haircut would help!  Our hair tends to get thinner with age; long, fine hair is not a good look as it looks straggly. A super short cut isn't always the best either.   Generally softness around the face looks great.  An experienced hair stylist can do wonders!  

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

It's so individual.... not everything looks good on everyone as face shape and length of neck plays a huge part.  Jill looks incredible with her hair a little shorter.....  Woman Happy 

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

As we get older, MOST ALL women look better with shorter hair.


Longer hair has the optical illusion of dragging the face down.  And our hair doesn't get prettier as we get older!


I also notice that some volume at the crown does wonders.  As Lisa Robertson once said, it's like an instant facelift.  I think she was right.


I seldom see Jill, but the longer hair did not flatter her, in my opinion.



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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

Some women as they age CAN have long hair and rock it.  But most older women just can't.  I've seen a lot of aging women trying to hold on to their youth and grow it long, and it looks horrible.  I think it just depends on face shape and what condition your hair is in.


My sister in law used to have hair down to her lower back.  As she aged, she kept it the same way.  She finally got it cut and looks amazing.  She chose a shoulder length layered bob and looks so much younger.

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Re: Just put Philosophy show on with Jill

@Qshopper1991 wrote:

Some women as they age CAN have long hair and rock it.  But most older women just can't.  I've seen a lot of aging women trying to hold on to their youth and grow it long, and it looks horrible.  I think it just depends on face shape and what condition your hair is in.


My sister in law used to have hair down to her lower back.  As she aged, she kept it the same way.  She finally got it cut and looks amazing.  She chose a shoulder length layered bob and looks so much younger.


@Qshopper1991- When I was younger I didn't mind spending hours on my hair and makeup.  As I've gotten older and priorities change, I just don't have it in me to spend all that time anymore.  So a shoulder length bob is so much easier for me.  I bet your SIL looks great at you stated and it must feel so much better not having that long hair hanging down her back.