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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

My care and interest level is zero.

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

@spiderw    Meanwhile, this summer you will be sleeping on one of her pillows that you end up ordering, LOL. I am j/k. Just trying to have some fun,as I didn't expect so many to not care. Id prefer they stay on the sidelines, but everyone is free to speak their minds, so I understand. Thanks for chiming in.

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

  Thought she'd  develop a business as a motivational speaker.

Posts: 28
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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

What I don't understand, is why people who say they don't care about the host waste their time reading a post about a host. If the title of the post doesn't interest me I don't read it!

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

Sounds promising @QVCTVSpree! Thanks for letting us know.



 I know she once mentioned a boutique in San Antonio. And she had the accessory show on QVC. So I'm guessing maybe clothing or accessories (?). 

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?



I understand what you are saying.  How does the saying go, If you can't say something nice about someone, Don't say anything at all!!!!  I try to keep to that but I also feel we all have opinions and are allowed to give them.  These forums always have different opinions.  I thank you for your response, it is appreciated!

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

I definitely get the impression that she’s going to return to Q in some way, so the OP’s suggestions seem reasonable. The only comment I have is that she wasn’t given her own Studio Park line, so I’m not sure she is associated with any particular type of style. Regardless, if she does come with a fashion line, I would look at it as I would any other. If I liked something, I would buy. Who she is wouldn’t be a determining factor for me. (Have no interest in a home line.)
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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

[ Edited ]

Time will tell.  Her owning 4 boutiques was part of QVC bio.

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

@Nana2158  100%

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Re: Jennifer Coffey, QVC's newest clothing or home decor vendor?

But her stores went under - so not exactly a success story.  Lots of people think they have style and have great taste but are not business savy.  It's wonderful to dream but also be realistic about goals.  Now that she has a husband that can support her financiallly - the risk is not as great for her to step out and do something else. I just dont think the world needs more influencers or life coaches.  Jen is neither in my book.