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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Re: Jane T Looks Very Pretty

Nick always does a fabulous job of styling the hair of whichever hostess is going to be working with him. Jane's hair never looked better. And he whizzes thru all the models making them all look good as well. Chaz may have products that many wouldn't give up for any amount of money but it seems all he ever does with the models hair is lift it, shake it, drop it, lift it, shake it, drop it, over and over. Wish he'd do some actual styling while on air like Nick does.  But they BOTH are full of baloney with those BEFORE shots where they show the models with frightful looking hair. I have by the way over the years tried a few of each of their products. Meh on both. Too much $$$ for products that can't be bought for less at any Walgreen's or CVS or many other places. Just one persons opinion, I know lots n lots of you ladies love and adore both and swear miracles are performed by their products.

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Posts: 10,785
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Jane T Looks Very Pretty

I doubt that I think any hair product performs miracles...but back to the actual topic of this thread.


I agree - I thought Jane looked really beautiful today!  That hairstyle and makeup really suited her.