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Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

Is it just me, or are most all of the Irish products just too expensive for what they are? I find every year that I just don't care to watch these shows anymore because all of these items seem over-priced to me.

Dollars are harder and harder to keep, and I can't justify these prices just to have something from Ireland.

Things may be pretty and nice, but none of it seems essential to me. All of it can be purchased in some form here in the states, much cheaper. Unless you are a collector or something.

Too each his own I suppose.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

I love the Irish products. No, they're not essentials they are wants, but if they are in your budget why shouldn't people buy them? My experience with what I have bought is they are quality products and the products I buy can not be purchased here in the states.

Guess you won't be watching much today, and definitely not be purchasing. I, on the other hand, will have a wonderful day. The only hard part of this day will be sticking to the amount I have budgeted for my St Paddy's Day purchases.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

No, none of it is essential but it's interesting and fun. I think QVC worked very hard on putting this together while probably looking at a day with fewer sales than usual. I appreciate it and I'll probably vote my approval by buying something during the day. Top o' the mornin' to ya.
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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

Loving the Irish shows!! Thanks QVC! We can all use a lil' green these days to welcome in Spring! Everything is so pretty!

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

I don't think the Irish merchandise is any more pricey than any other type of collectible, jewelry, or clothing items on the Q. That being said, yes, I have to really consider whether I want to spend $100 for 2 pottery candlesticks that I saw that would be perfect on a new table. It seems like a frivolous purchase for sure...

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

Very over-priced. I'd never buy a sweater this late in the season in texas. When they do these Irish shows, I just generally skip by QVC that day.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

I agree with others. Not essential but everything is so different and beautiful. That little woven Belleek basket was gorgeous! And I wanted to buy the sweater but I am always conscious of how the sheep are treated where the wool comes from, so I just don't buy wool.

I love these shows and always purchase something. There are all price ranges and some items on sale. That sweater coat for less than $80 on clearance is a stunner! If you don't like it, I suggest you change the channel and save your money today.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

I enjoy the shows but probably won't buy anything. As said above, they are "wants" not "needs." The ceramics are nice, but I've got a cabinet full of that kind of stuff. I do like that casserole-style dish shown last night, the one with a lid. But I don't cook much anymore, so what's the point. Would make a nice gift for someone. The butterfly-heart dish is beautiful, but you can find those in better thrift shops, and it's not terribly useful.

Love the sweaters but rarely wear sweaters like that.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

Happygal, I think you summed it up beautifully. I'm not Irish but I really enjoy these days and am glad the snow outside delayed me so I could catch a little of the programming. I am always tempted. I love the variety and the vendors. The pieces seem carefully chosen - almost curated.

Unfortunately, they are mostly "wants" and I find myself trying to justify a purchase. There's lots that would make great bridal or housewarming gifts. I fear the reason we are subjected to so much of the same programming is because QVC has been hit by the fact that many have less disposable income, or are being more cautious about their purchases in a rough economy.

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Re: Irish Products - St. Patrick's Day

I think some of the items are pricey, plus the sweaters looks like they run huge. Also, don't know why they don't have the shows earlier (like Feb.) so customers can wear or display their purchases on St. Pat's Day.