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Registered: ‎01-07-2020

@MrSour wrote:

Being a person of age I was taking an over the counter circulation supplement for many years with I think some success. The last time Andrew Less man was on HSN he was peddling his circulation and vein supplement. It was the special value of the day and I thought the price was good and I purchased the 360 count. The one thing he said that convinced me was that it did not upset your stomach. Don't you know never being sick a day in my life except for a cold here and there I had the most painful and uncomfortable stomach pains so bad that I had to go to bed and sleep it off. My diet did not change when I started to take these pills and I came to the conclusion that it was the new supplement I was taking. Needless to say I stopped taking them and they have been sitting on the shelf ever since and I went back to the over the counter brand. Anyone taking Less man's brand have any discomfort in taking them. It's much to late to return them but I am more curious to know. No I did not take them on an empty stomach.

This is just my opinion as I bought for many years Andrew Lessman vien and circulation support and at the beginning it did wonders for my legs. However in the past few orders and I order a large bottle, there has been a lot of capsules not filled, just empty shells. HSN directed me to call their customer service and I ordered with them at their website is extremely less than what HSN charges. HSN does offer flex pay and his web site does not, so in the long run I pay in one pay now. The last bottle is my last as I found again empties and a ton of product at the bottom of the bottle and I probably did not get the amount I paid for. Sorry but I do like Andrew but I found the exact same ingredients at Amazon for way less price and will continue to go with them.  As far as stomach issues, it is a hit and miss with me, as it does not matter if I take them with or without food, the main thing is taking them with a lot of water.  So far so good with the Amazon ones with no issues. HTH

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Some years ago, I tried what I think was called a "hair and nails" supplement.  It gave me extreme indigestion to the point I couldn't take it.  Never had that happen before or since.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Have tried Andrew’s supplements with no stomach problems. Have been taking them for about 6 months now.