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This is narrated by Mary Beth and it is so nice that I thought I would share the link.  I Loved his shows with her and I have many of his pins.

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Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

Thank you for posting this.  I remember when he was on the Q and how gorgeous the models were dressed.  I also have many of his pieces.  He was such a charming and elegant and classy gentleman and Mary Beth always hosted with him, they were great together.  I do miss him.

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Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

I loved him and his jewelry. Such a class guy and so sweet. He was magic. And Mary Beth was the perfect host to do shows with him.
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Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

MBR was very fond of him.  It's fitting she did the tribute.

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Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

Thank you soooo much for sharing this beautiful video tribute.  Boy I used to love all Nolan's appearances and never missed a show.  Those were the best of days for QVC, no doubt.  They are a mere shadow of those glory days now.  This was a wonderful video narrated by Mary Beth and sure brought back so many great memories of Nolan, the beautiful jewelry and sets and oh my, those glamorous QVC models!  Love this so much.  Thank you!!!

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Registered: ‎12-13-2010

Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

QVCs best era, NM, KJL, wonderful tailored clothes- great blazers, lovely blouses and sweaters.  And of course Joan Rivers.

Not any more. 

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

Thanks for sharing this tribute.  I remember those glory days of QVC.  How times have changed.

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Posts: 1,597
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

I agree. They were the best days of QVC. I have several of his wonderful pins. Those shows were great. I couldn’t get enough of him and the Honora shows.
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

And the Jackie Kennedy shows. I have many of her necklaces.
Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,325
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: In Memory of Nolan Miller

When he was on and presenting his produsts,I always thought he was such a gentleman.