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My husband and I were watching Q last night when PTR was on with Rosina.


Boy I dont know what was going on there but Peter was presenting his Gold mask. He said Cleopatra used to wear Gold masks and then claimed that she was the queen of England?? LOL 


Then as Rosina was reading from the prompter, she couldnt pronouce decollete. Peter  corrected her and said yes, it french I know its hard.


We rewinded it just to make sure we heard that correctly. Boy it was hilarious!!! 


Did anyone catch that last night?  

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I once heard a JTV host say, "You have to cross the Andes to get to Tanzania".........

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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No, I didn't see it.  Thanks for sharing!

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I was passing by the Q on the way to my crime channel, and briefy paused since I like a few PTR products, tho I don't prefer that particular host. Yes, it gave me quite a chuckle. QVC has become rather cringe worthy these days.

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I heard a QVC host say Brazil was on the West Coast of South America. 


The there's Shawn and Isaac debating whether the moon is a star or planet. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Kachina624 wrote:

I heard a QVC host say Brazil was on the West Coast of South America. 


The there's Shawn and Isaac debating whether the moon is a star or planet. 

@Kachina624    Wonders never cease!   I had a co-worker ask me where I was born.......and when I told her, she said, "What COUNTRY is Chicago in".......

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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@Kachina624 wrote:

I heard a QVC host say Brazil was on the West Coast of South America. 


The there's Shawn and Isaac debating whether the moon is a star or planet. 

@Kachina624 I remember that.  I watched it live.  They later made fun of themselves over it, but, Yikes!

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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I like Rosina.  When PTR talks about his beauty products I feel like he knows very little if anything about skin care products.  All he seems to be sure of is the story he tells about his mother putting the one face product all over her body.

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I'm pretty sure there are no teleprompters that the hosts read from.

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Honestly, I think they are rather typical rather than the exception. 


We were on a cruise that stopped at Key West.  We heard the person in the cabin next door say that it was too bad there wasn't a road so people could drive to Key West. 


Then there was the guy who asked if anyone had ever eaten at Jimmy's Buffet.......he was referring to Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville


Geography is not really a strong point for most people any longer.