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I really like the live presentations on QVC 2. I just watched Amy and she was just a little more laid back than on the main channel. I've thought that about other hosts also. Just is a more pleasant approach to me.

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I agree.  It gets a little challenging when it's a Clearance show and the many choices are all online only.  But I always shop online at the same time I'm shopping from the on-air presentation.  So I don't have a problem with it.


The main channel shows bring out the "TV star" attitude for many hosts.  However, on QVC 2, they know they have a smaller audience, and they are more laid back.  I like it. 

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My cable system carries Q2, but not in HD, so everyone and everything is stretched out and not pleasant to watch. I check Items Recently On Air if there's a show I was intersted in seeing.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Sometimes if I have a few minutes to kill I'll flip on the Q.  If they're selling a product from one of the MANY categories that don't interest me, I'll switch to Q2.  More often than not it's a clothing show, which for me, is a preferable alternative.

~ "Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth." ~ George Orwell, 1984