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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

@Spurt wrote:


@Spurt wrote:

@luvdoodles wrote:

It happens every year. It must work for them or they would not do it. I find it totally boring. They need to learn to mix their inventory, not everyone is into gift guying. It may even increase there sales, which I have read are not that great right now. Not everyone has Christmas on their minds 3 months before

 the actually holiday.



Totally agree definitely boring....and there financials aren't so hot either.... I was waiting for my NFL pre-game show to start I was flipping channels and stopped for a few minutes to check out QVC saw nothing new on these "gift shows".....just same ole stuff with the word "gift" added on......Flashpad, vacuums, computers, flashlights....ZZZZZZZZZZZZ  And only 2000 computers sold since midnight that doesn't sound like a heck of a lot compared to other TSV's.....(and their financial reports always comment on how electronic sales are down, but QVC just doesn't get it and continues to bring out the PC's)......


I thought it was funny that Dan Hughes kept apoloizing how QVC knew it was early for Christmas shopping but only 11 weeks until Christmas.......and it will be here before we know it.....all true....but for those that like to shop early at least give the customers truly NEW merchandise and something unique and different not just the same stuff that they've been showing for the last 5 years.....


Cat Nap animated emoticon










And before QVC's BFFs chime in......we both turn the channel right.... Woman WinkWoman LOLWoman Very Happy  At least I do....




I do, too . . . 


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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

I won't be watching much.....I have not been tuning in much lately anyway.

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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

@MoJoV wrote:

I know this has been said at least a million times,but I'll say it anyway.  It's so annoying to see the Christmas trees standing in the background before Halloween.  I love the time between Halloween and Thanksgiving. I'm not ready for Christmas so I'll pass the selling channels for a while. 

Agree 100 percent. Unfortunately that's going on in stores too, last week Costco had Christmas  trees and toys alongside Halloween costumes. Haven't been in a mall so I don't know about that.


Anyone remember when QVC had Halloween shows? Steve Bryant used to host them. Back then I don't think they decorated for Christmas until around or after Thanksgiving and they left it all up until after New Years Day.


I think this rushing of the holidays is here to stay, from all retailers. It's desperation for every dollar. Up to the consumer to resist or to spend, as they choose.


The few times I have sampled QVC lately all I saw was flashlights. No joke. So I knew it was Christmas lol. QVC should decorate their trees with flashlights.

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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

If I bought one of their set of six flashlights and gave them as gifts...I don't think they'd be well liked gifts. My parents already own flaslights. My son wouldn't want one. It'd be gee, thanks mom.....drop back in the box and get left with the wrapping paper to clean up.

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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

[ Edited ]

Weekends for another week or 2 and then it will be full on assault for days at a time if not every day. Gird your loins!!!!!

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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

@IMissSuperPoke I bought a set of those mini flashlights oh maybe 5 yrs ago they were pretty wimpy!   since then I've found bell & howell flashlights which are a much better product and sold by another shopping channel.  I have several and gave them as gifts to family and friends and because they were a good product, they worked out as a gift.  I never gave Q's mini's to anyone because honestly they weren't up to being given as such IMO.

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Re: I guess weekends are all Christmas shopping from now on . . .

LOL @wagirl no girding for me!  I'm just going to skip out on QVC unless I see something in the programming guide or online that I want to watch/buy.  I quit watching the host pick shows, etc since it is just a conglomeration of all things QVC sells and IMO is too boring to waste time on.  Now if it would just QUIT raining on the weekends, I could do something fun (pumpkin picking maybe?Man Happy  Smiley Happy rather than having to just clean to keep my self occupied.