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I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I have not enjoyed watching QVC for sometime - just don't enjoy the hard sell, screaming and fast, fast, fast, talking.  Anyway, I don't enjoy, so I don't watch, 


However, I tuned in to the Silver Show this morning and Mary Beth was presenting.


What a breath of fresh air!!!  I had forgotten how good she really is. She speaks beautifully, no cutsey phrases, a smooth, soft voice and informative presentations. 


What a very pleasant show. Thank you QVC for having at least one or two presentations that don't involve adults acting like teens or trying to be  beauty queens. 

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Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I couldn’t agree more!
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Registered: ‎06-27-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I totally agree.  She is pleasant, professional using a modulated voice and she takes her time and doesn't talk loud and fast.  I usually turn  off te4 other hosts who are overbearing and loud.  I don't watch much either because I can't take all the nonsense that is presented.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

'Ditto' regarding all of the nice comments.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

Agree. MBR always a pleasure. Nevr loud, never goes off on side stories, etc. Totally professional.

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Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I also have always liked Mary Beth. She seems like a truthful down to earth person.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I agree with all of these posts. I hope she’s one host who never gets let go, like so many have been.
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Registered: ‎09-17-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

[ Edited ]

I wish that MBR was on more during the daytime hours. Usually, it is either Kirsten or Jennifer Coffey.  I think that it is time that the Q switch up the hosts hours on air.

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Registered: ‎09-17-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I enjoyed seeing MBR on the D&C show this morning for 2 hours. Carolyn does a great job with D&C, but it was also nice to see MBR doing a morning show.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: I am really enjoying seeing Mary Beth more often

I swear I'll cry if she retires.  Please stick around for us, Mary Beth.