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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@JamesTheDude I read your post James and I did not feel anything but sad. Nobody is better than anyone else. And it doesn’t matter how much money you have or make in life the most important thing is our health. And I love how the Q reaches out to those that are home alone for whatever reason more than others. I think that’s truly wonderful of them! 🤗🤗🤗
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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@Suneshine wrote:

When I see some of the same items at Costco I just marvel at the price difference.  QVC always talked about how they were able to get better prices because of the volume.  Obviously, they can't make bulk deals with vendors anymore.  Rastelli is much, much better priced at Costco.  So is Juniors Cheesecake, Mrs. Prindables and the list goes on and on. 

Not everyone lives where there is a Costco and many buy those food items from qvc so I guess that is why it's on so much.  Not everyone is able to be out and about shopping so they pay for convenience. Shipping things that need dry Ice is extremely expensive and that is a big part of why the prices are higher than Costco. QVC calls it free shipping but they should say shipping is included.

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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@Caaareful Shopper wrote:

@ciao_bella wrote:


@JamesTheDude wrote:

If you people don't like QVC, you don't have to watch it AT ALL!!! Nobody is forcing you to watch it. I liked when Kerstin said that. Believe it or not, some people out there actually ARE lonely and find QVC comforting. Not everybody has a family and a busy life. Everyone on this forum seems to be bullies who enjoy looking down on people whose lives aren't as full as theirs. "Oh, I have better things to do with my time". "My children don't watch QVC, they have better things to do." There are millions of adults in this country who still live with their parents for financial reasons, mental health reasons, and MANY other reasons. You people look down on all of them and mock them because you're too ignorant to understand anything outside of your own bubble. Why don't you stop and think about how there are actual people out there with severe problems that make it impossible for them to even leave their house? QVC IS comforting for a lot of them. Just because you bullies don't understand it, doesn't mean it's not true.

Welcome to the forum @JamesTheDude and your first post.


   While I agree with some of your post, I take exception that you include "Everyone on this forum" as a bully!  There may be a few, but there are a few in every setting in life. And, for what it's worth and from what I've seen here, these people are called out on their rude or unnecessary remarks.


Most posters here are considerate, not bullies, and only posting their opinions, which they are entitled to as you are, whether you agree with them or not.  Just like you're expressing 'your' opinion in your post above, others also have a right to their opinion!  


I hope you continue to watch QVC, especially if it's a source of comfort and convenience for you as it is for others.  Some people on this forum are here for the very same reasons.  Do consider posting again.  I think you'll find many nice people here as well. 


@ciao_bella   Your post is very thoughtful and considerate.  This is exactly the approach I wish the aforementioned QVC host would have taken instead of implying every QVC shopper watched to feel less alone.


For me, that was my reason for posting my disagreement.  If my post came off harsh to some viewers, I apologize.  @JamesTheDude , that was not my intention at all.  You can of course disagree with my post, but I totally disagree with your "bullies" name-calling.  I hope we both can share ideas better.


I know we are not a monolith of demographic or situation in life. That was my point.  We all have our reasons to enjoy watching and shopping QVC, none more important than the other, and all should be considered.


Kerstin is good at many things but not the best at speaking off the cuff.  She often seems to hunt for what to say and it doesn't always come out well.  Sometimes I just shake my head.

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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

Yay I see you figured it out posting about Jill’s hair! 🤗
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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@Packersfan1265. You mean you don’t want to hear JT talk about her dancing daughters? Or her trips to Disney? Shame on you, lol. We should all be riveted!
Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@Puppy Lips wrote:
@Packersfan1265. You mean you don’t want to hear JT talk about her dancing daughters? Or her trips to Disney? Shame on you, lol. We should all be riveted!

I turned on the tv tonite and it was shoe shopping with JT and CK. Well within the first 10 minutes I heard Jane interrupt the vendor with a story of her Mothers feet, then somehow managed to throw in her daughter being sick but got a manicure today anyway because it's her birthday this weekend, then she mentioned for the hundredth time that she is 62, she is planning a trip with Courtney, and that was in about the first 10 minutes. I can't even tell you what shoes she presented and yes, she modeled proudly. I changed the channel. Too bad, because I like seeing the shoes but can't take all her jabbering and don't care about her family stories. Can't believe she didn't throw in marathon stories too.

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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

Maybe if the hosts didn't make so much money they could afford to reduce the prices.  I  Don't buy much on QVC because you can see something on the Q and go to Amazon and find the same thing at a less price and no shipping.  Amazon doesn't have hosts talking about the product they have pictures, videos, and customer comments.  Less distractions and childish presentations.  


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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

I just changed the channel after too many giggling bouts from Kourtney. I don’t know what is so funny. Is she laughing at people on the set, the clothes she is being asked to wear? I suppose they are frying them offer a good time to the audiences. I genuinely enjoy the fun between Kim and Mary, Shawn, Mally. I don’t need to keep hearing about Carr’s kids either, while I’m spilling the tea. Overall I enjoy the hosts and I know they try super hard to stay within their HR guidelines that are pretty strict it seems. A little tweaking here and there will keep me from changing the channel.
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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

*trying to offer
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Re: Hosts asking for suggestions from us....

@Catch71 wrote:

@Puppy Lips wrote:
@Packersfan1265. You mean you don’t want to hear JT talk about her dancing daughters? Or her trips to Disney? Shame on you, lol. We should all be riveted!

I turned on the tv tonite and it was shoe shopping with JT and CK. Well within the first 10 minutes I heard Jane interrupt the vendor with a story of her Mothers feet, then somehow managed to throw in her daughter being sick but got a manicure today anyway because it's her birthday this weekend, then she mentioned for the hundredth time that she is 62, she is planning a trip with Courtney, and that was in about the first 10 minutes. I can't even tell you what shoes she presented and yes, she modeled proudly. I changed the channel. Too bad, because I like seeing the shoes but can't take all her jabbering and don't care about her family stories. Can't believe she didn't throw in marathon stories too.

@Catch71  - I feel the same way about Jane T.  When she's on, I watch on mute.