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It's all a part of the Sip & Shop, Happy Hour atmosphere they're trying to portray.  Plus, QVC makes big bucks selling wine.  You cannot compare them to other occupations -- there's no apples to apples comparison there.


Some hosts do drink real alcohol in the glasses, some do not.


For the ones that do, they drink far less than when they're selling wine in Gourmet Holiday or ITKWD.  Why no outraged posts about those hosts drinking wine then?

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If they're selling wine, a sip of the beverage is part of the sales shtick.  Other than that, I cannot recall an on-camera person drinking anything.


I think you've got too much time on your hands.

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@Barks2005 wrote:
I don't understand why QVC allows its employees to drink on the job. I know of no employer who would allow an employee to sip on a cocktail while working. The employee would be fired immediately. It's wrong, wrong, wrong. Yet another reason why I don't watch QVC much anymore.


Relax. Just like every other tv show, it's either non-alcoholic or juice. Even if it was real, it's not like they get tipsy.


I'd need a lot of alcohol to talk for 10-20 minutes about most of the on air products. sarcasm

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@They Call Me MR Wilkes wrote:

Absolutely real alcohol being consumed by some, particularly when you see the crew  filling glasses directly from the wine bottle. 


One host has verified this on her QVC social media account after having a bit too much.


And just like every other tv show, wine bottles are filled with juice, ginger ale or other non-alcoholic liquids before the show.

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I think They just sip Wine I never seen any Host gulp down amy Alcoholic Beverage.
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Again w/ the wine ,etc,drinking. I thought we were done w/that.

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@Pook wrote:

I can't believe that after all those alcohol posts a while back that anyone could still actually think they were drinking real stuff!  Plus with the liability no company would ever do that! 

@Pook   ITA and think it's a just another "We're friends/buddies, so let's shop and spend all your money" ploy.

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@Barks2005 Well,you must watch it sometime. What exactly about the drinking do you object to?  

I'm making a little bet w/myself that my ? will not be answered.

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If you closely watch, they never actually drink! They only hold the glass- I guess it's for effect of making it appear as a party atmosphere, woohoo! 🤣🤣🤣✌️

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Re: Hosts Drinking Alcohol

[ Edited ]

With what they're selling these days, I can see why the hosts need a swig or two to get through all the minutia.