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Registered: ‎11-08-2011
I thank you for allowing Amy S to be on prime time. I have followed Inspired Style since it first began over a year ago at 10 p.m. pacific. By the way, I like this timeslot and can rarely watch on Monday because it is too early where I live and now I can not even watch a pre-recorded version on QPlus. I rarely write about hosts, but this one is worth keeping...
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I really enjoy watching Amy, as well. And may I add that it's refreshing to read a positive thread about one of the hosts. Let's have more of those, please!

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Registered: ‎04-20-2013
ITA....she is so lovely and sweet and refreshing
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I hardly get to see her since I only watch beauty shows and she doesn't seem to do beauty shows very often for some reason but the few times she's been on, I've enjoyed her.

Yay for positive host threads- how refreshing! I wasn't even going to open this one but I saw who the poster was and knew it wasn't going to be negative.

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Registered: ‎12-26-2011
I think she is lovely!
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Amy does a good professional job. I think she and Shawn should have switched with Amy doing PMStyle.

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Registered: ‎11-13-2012

Enjoy Amy she's a good host. Also I believe she still has the late night Inspired Style on Thursday Nights/Friday mornings (1a ET/10p PT).

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Registered: ‎07-18-2011

I don't watch on Monday nights, but I catch Amy occasionally as I am flipping through. She seems to have calmed down quite a bit, and that's a good thing. She's cute and looks good in everything, and Bree is a doll.

Frequent Contributor
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Registered: ‎01-26-2014
She is so cute.she works so hard to do a good hosting job .plus trying to be a good mom.She is a great replacement. Love her please don' t change.
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Registered: ‎12-07-2012
Amy is doing a very good job. She is refreshing to watch, and is a lovely host.