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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

[ Edited ]

@Etoile308 --My "promotional" box is, and has been, selected for a long time. Didn't make any difference for me. No offers. 

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

Don't go off the deep end and send all that stuff back.  There was a post one year about someone who sent back 17 Christmas items after the holiday.  They had been used.  The shipping department returned all of them to the sender.  In other words, don't think QVC will subsidize your Christmas for free.  

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

@depglass --As I had stated, I said that, if I still had the packaging for everything that is still returnable, I would, but I don't! So, that's not going to happen. There are, however a few things that I am able to send back, and I will. These happen to be things that, even if this coupon thing hadn't happened, I'd be returning anyway. Also, I would never return used items unless something became defective (for instance, the Tracfone that I bought from them). And, since I'm going to pretty much stop buying from QVC, this won't be an issue in the future. If they don't wish to send me any offers, that's fine--I'll be shopping elsewhere. An example---I saw a pair of shoes I liked yesterday. Can get them for less at a different retailer because I can get 40% off there!

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

My offer might very well go unused, unless I find something I want. However, I don't think it makes sense for @qualityshopper to return items (on her dime) just because she is miffed over a coupon. 

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I too have shopped for over 25 yrs and I order almost weekly, I don't get any special deals either ..They used to send us a birthday card I believe with a discount or 5.00 off of a purchase that's gone , also they had a magazine I loved getting every few months they stopped that too.. Its frustrating last Christmas with no return labels put me over the top I was so frustrated , I am very leary of buying gifts this year for that reason 

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

Yet another reason I have reluctantly purchased more from Amazon in recent years;

1. no shipping cost (yep, FREE shipping all the time)

2. items arrive in 4 days or LESS typically

3, returns are credited the VERY SECOND that UPS SCANS the label - Before it even gets on the truck for return ! 

4.  the RETURNS are FREE!

That's 4 GOOD reasons right there.

Q wants to know why business is down...look at these 4 points listed.


Esteemed Contributor
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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I've received two coupon cards in the mail.  One is for 20% on Tuesday thru December, the other $10 if I spend $200 this month.  Today I got a $10 credit in an email.  What a joke, your not missing anything.

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

Regarding Amazon, even with Prime, not everything ships free. Only those items listed as free Prime shipping.


Not all items are available for returns, some items do have restrictions.


Where you live can make a difference in your Amazon deliveries. My experience is that delivery dates can be pushed back the moment to make the transaction. And then there's those Unexpected Delay emails telling you it won't be in two days, or four days...

Posts: 24
Registered: ‎08-02-2023

Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I got a $10.00 off coupon back in January, 15% off coupon in March and July, and just got another for 20% off. I don't have Q card. I just figured they were sending them to everyone because sales were down.
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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I think you all could be right. I get flyers and emails all the time trying to entice me back- one email even said " we miss you" LOL
It's not going to happen. I don't fit the demographic shopper for the Q anymore. I plan on closing my QCard and account here permanently in a few more weeks. I can't wait. I'm ready to severe ties permanently and move on.