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Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

Getting somewhat annoyed with how QVC has been treating me as well as many other people lately. By reading posts on here, I've found out that, very recently, some people were mailed coupon codes to get 20%, 15%, or some other discount. My friend even got one. Did I? NO. Then I found out that just this weekend some people received emails with codes for free shipping. Needless to say, I didn't get one--and I bet a lot of you didn't either.


Frankly, I'm tired of never getting any type of offers like this from QVC, and yet, I do from HSN.. I even called CS about this. She said the computer randomly selects people to send these offers to, and that even though I'm listed as a "good" customer, for some reason, I just don't get picked. 


So, I've decided to pretty much quit buying from QVC. Can't say I won't ever buy anything else, but my shopping is going to be drastically reduced. In fact, if I hadn't already thrown away the packaging for all of the things I've purchased that are returnable until Jan. 31, I'd ship all of them back (even though it would cost me a fortune in shipping). As it is, I currently do have a few things that I still have the boxes for, and they're packed up and ready to go back. There are so many other retailers that offer free shipping (if you spend a minimum amount), free returns, and discounts on items that are already set at a sale price. Since I, apparently, have no value as a customer to the Q, I'll start shopping elsewhere. Should have done this a long time ago.

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

@qualityshopper I also don't feel like a valued & appreciated customer.  I buy so much here every month and I have and use a Q card too. 


I spent thousands here just this year but I don't ever get any coupons or any emails about being part of their reward program though I have tried to enroll.


I have also considered seriously reducing my purchases here.  Maybe we buy too much and those who get coupons, etc. are rewarded because the Q wants to entice them to buy more?

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I have received emails for discounts as a Q card holder but I read a post last week regarding 20% off and I didn't get a email for that but I placed a order and added the coupon code the poster provided and got the discount. I also just received a "gift guide" booklet in the mail with Kerstin and Alberti on the cover that says it's for Rewards members (are you a rewards member ?)

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer



Me neither, after 30+ years of shopping here and I don't even want to know how much I spent!


No freebies for me.....bummer!

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

[ Edited ]

Well I almost fainted dead away the other day when I received a flyer in the mail from the Q!  It had Kerstin and Alberti on the cover and contained a code for 20% off with a maximum of $30 off one item.  

I probably will not use it, but will keep it just in case.  I do not have a Q card and I am not a rewards member.  I do not get emails from the Q either.  🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ 

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In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I don't often buy anything from QVC....maybe three purchases a year.


I get discount offers occasionally.  I don't use the discount codes if I don't need anything.


I think QVC is trying to win me back to buy more.  Those who shop often don't need an incentive to buy, I suppose.

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

@Carmie wrote:

I don't often buy anything from QVC....maybe three purchases a year.


I get discount offers occasionally.  I don't use the discount codes if I don't need anything.


I think QVC is trying to win me back to buy more.  Those who shop often don't need an incentive to buy, I suppose.

@Carmie Yes I think this is the reason some of us are not getting anything...we already shop here enough and the Q believes that they don't need to entice us to buy more.

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

@Goodie2shoes --No, I'm not a rewards member, but neither is my friend who did get the flyer offering 20% off.


I'm kind of thinking that @haddon9 may have a point. Perhaps Q is trying to entice people who don't shop on here that much to start buying more. I don't know, though, because this same friend has bought a lot from them. Just don't know. Only thing I do know for sure is that I'm changing my shopping preferences.

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

I agree with @Carmie , also. I think I've only purchased 2 items this years and I got the 20% coupon on one item last week. I think they just want to lure us into purchasing. At this point, I don't even know where I put the darn thing

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Re: Guess I'm not a "valued" customer

It has been a while since I have ordered anything from the Q. (A year,maybe) When I read about the delivery problems,etc,i just don't want to deal w/that. 

Prices put me off.

I did order that case of wine that will be delivered in November as a gift for Hubbs.

Hope that works out.