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@Othereeeen wrote:




You mean*****gasp***** they DON'T?!?!?!?!

They probably have a gift closet filled with all the samples they get. As for the food, I’m guessing the freezer and pantry are stocked with samples too.


There is a supermarket out there where they shop, and the cart is filled with the same stuff you and I buy. @Othereeeen 

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@on the bay 


My daughter has been doing this for years.  She has a lot of christmas trees (fake) around her home and takes off the Cristmas stuff and puts up the Valentine decorations and throws a party for the girl friends.

Had to stop with Covid, but started for this year.

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That's such a nice idea.


One of my daughters used to have a Friendsgiving especially for those who couldn't get together with their families that year.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Galantine Day can do double duty, also: Shawn can now Save Galantine's Day.

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Today my husband read where in South Korea the men get gifts from the women. What’s up with that? 😂
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@on the bay I've had a parade of cats, all with different purrsonalities.
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The stores had Valentine’s Day up 12.26. I like the day. January is so dull & in February I like seeing color again. I don’t celebrate Galentines Day but do wear themed clothes on 2/14 & go out for lunch with my husband. I bought Amy’s TSV in navy. I liked Courtney’s sweater as well but only wear cotton or a large percentage of cotton in my sweaters.

QVC is a retail organization & their business plan is to sell.
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Re: Galentines Day?

[ Edited ]

@Pecky it's a nice idea from that point of view. I can understand that. After my mom passed away, Mother's Day was/is a difficult day for me.


I was traveling home one year on Mother's Day and went to have breakfast at the hotel before I left to go to the airport. I wasn't thinking about what day it was but apparently everyone else in the restaurant that morning WAS celebrating Mother's Day. The wait staff asked a couple of times if someone was joining me for Mother's Day. Sigh. After I told the 2nd person, no I was eating alone, someone finally got the message and left me to eat my breakfast in peace. Of course after that I couldn't stop thinking about it. Made my state of mind for my travel home a lot more sad.


Similar to that, we had a meeting the day after Mother's Day and one of my company's HR people asked me how my Mother's Day was. Rather than make a big deal, I said it was fine. She coyly asked  "just fine"? wasn't it great? . Zazoo pitts, yes, it was just fine. She kept pushing & I finally said my mom had passed away. As an HR person, you'd think she would have then had to good sense to take my response at face value & quit but no. She continued to push about all the other people I could have celebrated with (daughter (I don't have kids), sister,niece, etc.& I finally just walked away from her. I was very tempted to report her but what would I have said? She's an idiot?


Funny isn't it? That has probably been 10 years ago and my Mom has been gone for more than 20 and yet those memories are still painful.  Not everyone wants to celebrate Valentine's Day. 

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LOL @Desertdi that's so funny! Maybe someone from Q will read your suggestion.