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Saw a QVC promotional ad earlier this week, Saturday is QVC Favorite Brands day.  Ad said watch for a special offer.  Maybe Saturday is free shipping day.  


Could be.....


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@lynnie61  Someone mentioned it on another thread. It has been months. We'll see. Most of the items on my wish list are sold out. Smiley Sad

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Do they wait to announce free shipping day on that morning or give some notice ahead of time?

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

Do they wait to announce free shipping day on that morning or give some notice ahead of time?



I know sometimes when it's a Sunday free ship David will do a tease to watch ITKWD as there's something special happening.


I suppose at midnight free shipping may start, not sure if it would be Eastern time zone.

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Re: Free shipping?

[ Edited ]

@Trailrun23    They don’t usually give advance notice, unless it would possibly be a whole free shipping weekend.  Would say, free shipping for 48 hours, ends Sunday night, etc.


Just a thought it could be free shipping since there was none since sometime earlier in June I believe.  Unless of course it’s 5 easy pays on everything again.  Q never has free shipping in CIJ.  


@rockygems123   I’ve seen David give some hints before too.  



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Yes, it's free shipping day. It's been posted by several QVC influencers on social media/blogs. They have never been wrong yet.


It's also teased on the QVC app.

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Good news!  Hope it's correct.