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Re: Free Shipping for the next 4 hours!

@laluzdelmundo wrote:

@San Antonio Gal Good news (tho not for my Visa card.) But still, I picked up a set of PLW candles, a Lauren McBride basket, and some essential oil for my diffuser. Oh, lest we forget, a PLW sweater for me. Glad I checked in here this morning. I don't typically pay attention to their "home page" and I hadn't planned on actually shopping today, but plans change!


I wandered over to HSN to see what they had to say and found my Clinique "difference makers," a set of 2 sizes of the  Clarifying Lotion, for $21 and f/s. 


That's all, folks! Bank card is now closed for the day.

@laluzdelmundo  - You did good!  Shipping would have added up big time.  Hope you enjoy all your goodies.  Smiley Happy

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Registered: ‎03-19-2016

Re: Free Shipping for the next 4 hours!

 I messed the free shipping but I saved money. If they had it all day I might have purchased something! 