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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

Yes I can't say that this "new" method is any improvement but then again, QVC has become the slowest of companies to ship which also cuts down on my orders.


I had ordered one of the AT Leisure umbrellas with the 2 canopies and it was in processing and yesterday it went to backordered.  I called CS and asked what was going on and she said that after the order had been placed they found that they didn't have enough product to ship.  So according to CS, maybe I'll get the umbrella and maybe I won't.  I had that happen with another item about a month ago as well. 


I realize that has nothing to do with shipping but it certainly doesn't make me a happy customer.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

@Lainey59  Call the 800 number for the post  office.  NOT YOUR LOCAL POST OFFICE.  I had the same thing happen to me.  I had to get a butcher knife and cut them out.  I reported it and now it s brought to my door.  I received a very nice letter from USPS apologizing and said that the carrier was spoken to about it.   

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

one can go to the USPS web site , register and have notification sent via e-mail or text as to what is going on and preferences as to where to deliver. You need the tracking # (USPS tracking #) Here is where I find it goes astray sometimes. I find  I do not get the tracking # until it has been delivered sometimes. It has helped at times though. I think locally it all depends on the personel that day.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I much prefer my packages to be delivered USPS than UPS.  Everytime something is delivered UPS it looks like the truck ran over it first. 


So far, when something starts off either FedEx or UPS and then is handed off to the post office, it only adds 1 day on to my delivery. 


Of course now that I said that, it will probably change.  LOL

Occasional Contributor
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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

The "SmartPost" change has been the worst change, speaking for myself. I live in a small town (< 1500) where the post office says that I live too close to them to get delivery to my house. 


We we are required to get a PO Box (no charge). As you know, many shippers will only deliver to a physical address. There are no mailboxes at the houses in my neighborhood nor are there any mailbox "hubs." If I put my physical address and not my PO Box or if I put both, USPS sends it back to the shipper.


I know my situation is rare, but QVC's change to relying on USPS to deliver all packages has created a big headache for me.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

Jazzcat - that really sounds like a huge migrane - not just a headache.  I think I really would have to quit ordering to go through all that.  Doesn't even sound like there is a solution for you.  That really stinks.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I guess everyone is doing  this now.  I made a purchase on HSN and there's is coming by UPSSurePost to the post office and  USPS will be delivering.  Let's see if my mailman tries to get that box in my mailbox.  I was thinking this would put UPS drivers out of business but I guess they still have to deliver to the post office.  It's just a shame the post office takes so long to sort and finally deliver.


After 18 days my package has finally shown up!  Now I can return it.  That was the worst part - I just wanted to get it so I can send it back and get credited.I already knew it was going to look like ****** on me  Smiley Surprised)  How come some items you can cancel after days of ordering and others you can't even cancel within 12 hours?

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

Can anyone beat this?...Mail Innovations or Mail Stagnation?...




Tracking Status

Package Progress City State Date Time
Package transferred to destination UPS Mail Innovations facilityMorrowGA03/23/201705:35
Package processed by UPS Mail Innovations origin facilityMorrowGA03/22/201719:37
Package received for processing by UPS Mail InnovationsMorrowGA03/22/201718:14
Shipment tendered to UPS Mail InnovationsFlorenceNC03/22/201718:13
Shipment information received by UPS Mail Innovations  03/22/201724:10
Package delivered by post officeLos AngelesCA03/04/201714:23
Package out for post office deliveryLos AngelesCA03/04/201707:45
Package sorted by post officeLos AngelesCA03/04/201707:35
Received by the post officeLos AngelesCA03/04/201707:25
Shipment Acceptance at Post OfficeLos AngelesCA03/04/201706:02
Package transferred to post officeLos AngelesCA03/04/201706:00
Electronic Shipment Information Received for Package by Post OfficeLos AngelesCA03/03/201716:52
Package departed UPS Mail Innovations facility enroute to USPS for inductionFontanaCA03/03/201714:18
Postage Paid/Ready for destination post office entryFontanaCA03/03/201724:30
Package received for sort by destination UPS Mail Innovations facilityFontanaCA03/03/201707:57
Package transferred to destination UPS Mail Innovations facilityMorrowGA03/01/201704:14
Package processed by UPS Mail Innovations origin facilityMorrowGA02/28/201720:17
Package received for processing by UPS Mail InnovationsMorrowGA02/28/201719:03
Shipment tendered to UPS Mail InnovationsFlorenceNC02/28/201718:59
~~~ I call dibs on the popcorn concession!! ~~~
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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

[ Edited ]

I prefer SmartPost and SurePost since we have very bad luck with UPS and FedEx.  Your boxes are either left at somebody else's home, or they just leave a door tag saying nobody was home, without even attempting to contact you to let you know they are out front with your box.


The handoff between UPS and FedEx to the post office is very fast and efficient here.  The transfer occurs overnight, and I get my packages when my postal delivery person delivers my mail the next day.  Therefore, I am very thankful for the deliveries that are passed off to USPS for the final delivery,


I really am sorry to hear that many of you are experiencing just the opposite level of service from your post office.  But I sure wish I had the good service many of you regularly receive with your UPS and FedEx deliveries!


Personally, but I would hate for QVC to discontinue the UPS SurePost (USPS) option altogether, since there are customers like me, for which it may work very well.   I think the problem is that people don't post when they are happy with something, rather only when they are unhappy, so it may not be as evident how many people are pleased with the USPS deliveries.


I would love to see QVC offer the customer the abililty to choose your delivery option.  In the past, I remember seeing more options listed under the Shipping Options section during the order checkout process.   It allowed me to select USPS delivery for only a little more of a shipping fee.  Because of the problems I regularly have with UPS, it was worth it to me.   But I haven't seen that option for the items I've purchased recently.

Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎03-30-2012

Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

SO AGREE!!!!!!!! I never get things on expected delivery  dates  !!!!!!!!