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FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I hate that all of my packages now get delivered by USPS.  I h  I have an item I ordered on March 4 that still has not been received.  It was delivered to my post office over a week ago and then sent to a post office over an hour away on March 10 and there has been no movement since.   Everything takes twice as long to get to me than it used to and I live in Western PA - it only has to come across the state.  But it first goes to Ohio and then back to Pennsylvania - really?  Plus my mailman does not like to deliver packages.  He "makes them fit" into my mailbox.  One day I had 3 Logo and 1 Susan Graver shoved into my mailbox.  Friday he shoved an overnight Lug bag into it.  He actually got folded in half and shoved in - he is lucky he didn't ruin it or damage it.    He's already broken a mailbox by doing this.  It really is making me think twice about ordering.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I couldn't agree more !!!!   What use to take 2-3 days buy UPS is now taking 7 - 10 days by FedEx Smart Post.  My mail man seems to have the same problem @Lainey59 and hence everything I receive now is a wrinkled mess. Also it's taking them longer to process things, in some cases forever.  But bottom line, I'm sure the reason is it's saving QVC money.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

UPS drops a lot of their packages off at the PO, as well.  It is cheaper for them to have the PO do the door to door delivery.  Have you talked with the PO about the damage the carrier is doing to your mailbox and your packages.  The carrier seems lazy about delivery of packages.  It is very disppointing when a carrier doesn't take pride in doing their jobs.  I hope you can get the issues resolved.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

My neighbor is a mailperson and she says they are not supposed to get out of their trucks unless it is absolutely necessary and she defends him.   I have talked to the post office but it was "we're sorry" and we'll mention it.  I was afraid he'd retaliate but not leaving anything.  I actually took pictures with a date stamp of when I put on the new mailbox in case he broke that one.  Also took pictures of how stuffed my box gets - you just never know when it might come in handy.

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Registered: ‎02-22-2012

Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

Wow ! I share your pain. I live in NYC and both United Parcel and FedEx ship to my local post office. They, in turn, are SUPPOSED to complete the last "leg" of the delivery to me. However, the post office employees will NOT deliver to my apt door.....they leave the packages UNATTENDED in the lobby of our building and they don't EVEN HAVE THE COURTESY TO RING THE RECIPIENT/S DOWNSTAIRS BELL TO ALERT YOU THAT YOUR PACKAGE IS IN THE LOBBY! I've questioned the mail carriers and their nasty response is "I don't have to ring your bell". Obviously, many of us have our packages routinely STOLEN. i've complained to UPS and FedEX to no avail. My only recourse is to have my packages delivered to a nearby United Parcel Store. The storefront is on a main thoroughfare and very easy for the mailperson to drop it off. HOWEVER, UPS CHARGES ME $5 PER PACKAGE FOR THIS SERVICE. Obviously,QVC utilizes this method because it is cheaper. Thus, I have CUT BACK on my QVC purchases. I seek out sites who offer discounts, free shipping and no tax. If I'm not paying shipping, then I don't mind the UPS $5 charge. I've been doing well....I've been pleased with most of my purchases. Perhaps if business suffers....QVC, UPS and FedEX will reevaluate their methods.

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

Why is it called FedEx Smart Post anyway ??


Should be called snail mail lazy cheap post. 



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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

@Lainey59,   Yes, Smartpost takes forever.   However, my packages are 2 or 3 days after they ship from the Q.  I did have some trouble a year ago when the pkg. went to CA and then to me.  Ridiculous.    I would definitely have a talk to your postman.  If he is nasty, report him to your local post office.  Why should you need a new mailbox because of his abuse and you are paying for it.  Make sure you get his employee no.,if possible.   He sounds like a real jerk.  Cat Very Happy

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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I've really wondered what going on now with deliveries? Since after Christmas my deliveries are sooooo slow! Yes, FedEx Smartpost is slower than molasses! It pokes along all over the country spending an entire 24 hours at ever port but when it finally reaches my P.O. I always get it the next day. I really never had a problem with the length of my deliveries until recently.

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

@Lainey59 That's really bad service.  I feel lucky to live in a condo with a sweetheart of a mail carrier.  I only worry when there's a sub (you never know when).  Sometimes I get other peoples' mail, so I wonder who is getting mine.  Sometimes if it's a PO holiday, UPS will just deliver it directly to my door.  It does, however, take much longer for the QVC packages to arrive than any other shopping source I use, including the other shopping channels whose warehouses are much farther away.

Laura loves cats!
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Re: FedEx Smart Post - something that might finally cut down on my purchases

I've gotten the excuse of "I can't get out of the truck"

I call baloney!!

I work in a large office building, the carrier has to get out of the truck to deliver mail to each floor!!


My beloved carrier retired and he put all my packages at my door, which is 1 flight up, the new one can't even put a large envelope in my mailbox, she leaves a note for me to go pick up!!!   And I have a huge mailbox!


The carriers are testy and defend each other.    It's like the mafia.


@Lainey59 wrote:

My neighbor is a mailperson and she says they are not supposed to get out of their trucks unless it is absolutely necessary and she defends him.   I have talked to the post office but it was "we're sorry" and we'll mention it.  I was afraid he'd retaliate but not leaving anything.  I actually took pictures with a date stamp of when I put on the new mailbox in case he broke that one.  Also took pictures of how stuffed my box gets - you just never know when it might come in handy.