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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

@cjm61 wrote:

I agree with @San Antonio Gal , I don't watch ITKWD shows, just don't care for them. I haven't seen this "big bite Steve" thing. With so many posts, it seems to be an issue for many.


I've only watched Steve present once and he seemed fine enough. From what I have read I hope Steve doesn't continue to be known as Big Bite Steve and can be known as a good host instead. 

the big bite thing is a bit demeaning IMO and sort of lets everyone know who the boss is,


Steve is a great host, I hope he gets more time

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

[ Edited ]

@skatting44    Name one host who does the Gourmet shows who has slimmed down besides David.  In fact it is just the opposite!!!!

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites


 Rosina albeit returned after maternity leave , but she has lost  weight and Shawn  Killinger .


 They both have participated in gourmet  food shows in the past .

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

I see no weight gain on Alberti or Rachel.  Also, Steve posts his weekly pre-ITKWD workouts on his Instagram page, so he too knows how to manage the food intake.

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

Alberti and Steve better watch out, they are STUFFING their faces full of food on every food show.  Soon their going to start packing on pounds if they don't stop.

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

I'm guessing it doesn't bother Steve to do this but I do think his talents are being wasted by being David's sidekick. Something I saw somewhere, can't remember where or what I was watching, said he used to work at Disneyland so I suppose he's used to being silly. I got real tired of the happy dance David kept doing but the big bites thing is kind of gross, in my opinion, which doesn't matter to anyone other than me!

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

Alberti and Rachel are still in terrific shape despite their long tenure on food shows.  Both have exercise regimes that they discuss.  I don't think that Sharon Faetsch gained any weight during her stint.


Steve is also very athletic, and can likely handle the caloric intake handily.


Some hosts can not.  Who knows what they consume at home on their own time.

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

@skatting44   I have never seen Shawn do a gourmet holiday show - she may have but she certainly doesn't do it on a regular basis.   Yes. Rosina lost her baby weight.   I remember very well when RachelB came to the Q and she was definitely thinner than she is now.  

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

I really like Steve and have watched him a few times on Q2...he seems so down to earth and I love his smile.


I don't watch ITKWD...I stopped that long ago. 

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Re: Enough With The Big Bites

Sometimes I wonder if they spit the stuff out after a brief on camera chew and " yum yum eye rolling happy face"...when the camera pulls away...or the ULTRA phoney "My Gracious!!" that David V exclaims fakely when he eats something....


These three to five hour food shows...I'd be in the bathroom for a week after eating all that prepared glop...even if it's in small bites...


Or...maybe they binge and purge.


At any rate, to ME, it's sickening watching them stuff that glop into thier mouths for hours at a time...think about it...when YOU have a little treat, do you eat pounds of it? ( Well sometimes maybe!!!!)


The chart keeping track of Doss' bites is ridiculous too.


But I suppose they have to do what the Q tells them to, or, maybe they ( the hosts) suggested that as an enticement to buy, although it sure doesn't work for me!!!