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@Lila4Now wrote:

The truth of the matter is, QVC uses shipping and handling charges as another source of revenue.  They really stick it to their customers on shipping.  I often see things on air, then find them on other sites with either free, or cheaper shipping.  The items are almost always cheaper than on QVC, too.  Most other sites charge shipping on the total of your order.  When you reach a certain point, shipping is free.  Not QVC, they will stab their customers any chance they get!  If other places can offer free shipping like that, QVC should too!  QVC takes advantage of loyal customers, they never reward them.  Shop other places, you will see.  I've found some excellent customer service on other sites, too.  QVC can charge what they want for shipping, and I can shop other sites that respect their customers!

Our reward  from QVC is "easy pay" which to me is no reward at all.   I'm being extremely careful about ordering now even with the $3.00 shipping.  If it turns out to be a return it costs (buyer) around $10. even if it is a lipstick.  Many other sites offer faster  shipping for free plus often they have discount codes to use. Also, free returns.

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I got 4 different orders in 1 box  on Monday!

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@highmaintenancejan wrote:







@highmaintenancejan, why? Because It's Q's policy. They charge shipping on each item. It doesn't matter if the items ship in multiple boxes or one box, there is a shipping charge on each item (unless the item has free shipping, which is rare). If we are not ok with the policy, we can make the choice to shop elsewhere.

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Almost anything QVC has to offer, except a particular brand of clothing, I can find elsewhere. And with either free or much lower shipping.


To me, the Q just seems so anti-customer - I don’t understand it.  

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@MalteseMomma wrote:

I got 4 different orders in 1 box  on Monday!

ARGH!!! To me...this isn't right!!  If they are the same order, maybe... QVC get with the program!!!!!!!

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Addition to the Amazon s&h charges.  If you get the Amazon Prime subscription, anything that ships FROM Amazon vs the vendor is FREE s&h, which if you order enough items from them in a year, can save  you A LOT of money.



"I never changed, I just learned."
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@IMW wrote:

It is also great that orders at Am——on can help your favorite charity. .05% of your order goes to your favorite charity through Am———-on Smile.

@IMW we are allowed to say Amazon along with any other retailer on these forums. We just aren't allowed to post a link to their sites.

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I just hope this crappy policy doesn't creep over to HSN now that Q bought HSN. 



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When I pay for shipping, I want only ONE shipping handler/company handing my packages.  I have received packages from companies where my packages start out with UPS then delivered to the USPS and then delivered to me.  Most of the time I am given only one shipping number and cannot track my package.  The packages are usually delayed a day from the expected delivery date.  When I pay for shipping, I expect one company to handle and deliver my package.

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QVC gets bulk shipping rates but has always paid state sales taxes, unlike Amazon, which finally began collecting taxes on April 1 of this year.  If you ship an item on your own, you will pay pay much more than you want to.  I once sent a Berkshire blanket to my granddaughter and spent $12.99 to ship it to a city that is fifty miles from me. The Q shipped cross country to me for less than $7.00.