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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

[ Edited ]

We stopped buying gifts several years ago so no gift closet. Never had one either. We only buy one gift every year and that's a gift card for our hairdresser. I'm not about to give gifts to the mailman, trash men, dentist or anyone else who passes my way. 

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

When I had family and friends and a social network, and I worked no way could I have done it without a gift closet.  Especially for the small occasions like going to someone's house for dinner, or a party at work for something, and buying for birthdays and anniversariess and holidays?


Yes absolutely I had part of a linen closet staked out.

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

Yes, I do have a spare closet where  I  store  items that I bought on sale/discount .  The inventory has dwindled down  in recent  years as  the gift giving in my family for Christmas & birthdays has become  more limited to the younger children  or restaurant gift cards  for adults. 

Where I worked we  used to exchange gifts  and there was an occasional unexpected  gift I would receive , so I liked to have a few  generic  gifts on the ready.  Most of what I had in the closet were items where  something like candles  that came in sets of 3 or so.

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

I don't have what I would call a gift closet.   I do have a walk in closet in my basement which has some of my clothing, shoes, extra comforters, pillows.....stuff like that.  I don't buy a lot of Christmas gifts anymore but what I do pick up during the year is stored in there.   My adult kids get a generous gift card and some smaller items.  I pick those up all year round and as a matter of fact I am done for this year already!   I got  them some nice puzzles on clearance after last Christmas, a couple of new throw blankets and a few Corcickle items.   I do have some extra candles in my linen closet but those are mostly for me.   And just to add, I'm sorry but I don't feel obligated to gift the garbage man, but that's just me, LOL! 

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

I have one and it has come in quite handy. Have gotten things at great prices and don't have to rush out and search for something every time something comes up. Small, unexpected gifts for various reasons can be just what someone needs to brighten their day and be a reminder that someone cares. 

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

@SloopJohnB wrote:

@glamwitch   No, but I do have a liquor cabinet, does that count?  Lol. Cheers!  🍾🍷🍸🍹🍺

LOL how funny.  Cheers to youSmiley Happy

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

Of course! Years ago while raising a family and buying for many extended family members it was really helpful.


We often purchased gifts while on vacations for other people who lived out-of-state and I'd simply tuck the gifts in the gift closet ready to be wrapped and mailed for the appropriate occasion with a card. It certainly made Christmas shopping much easier if my shopping had been partially done earlier in the year (and thoughtfully done when the items were found).


That also included donations to Toys For Tots gifts which I'd pick up while shopping for my son and neices. When wrapping presents, I'd wrap everything at once for the holidays to save time. Then one trip to the Post Office to mail packages and one trip to drop off gifts for Toys for Tots. Organization is important in my life!


My gift closet no longer needs to be the entire closet now, but I keep it as it is just in case! Never know what my teenage grandson may want/need or I'll find! Lately, it's been gift certificates for his music (and that doesn't take up much room at all). My DIL and son are happy with a new shrub or tree for their landscape which they select and I take a picture! We're getting older and don't care about presents under a tree anymore. Smiley Wink It works for our little family, everyone is happy and we don't have the mess of packages & wrapping paper to dispose of any longer! 




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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

My  Grandma Rita kinda did.  It was small, and some of the items were what you might call:"Regiftables."  Always had fun looking in there.

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

No, I don't have a gift closet.


However, I do buy Christmas gifts for my own children early on in the fall (if there are certain things they have been asking for/know they want.  I store those things in the basement in bins. 


If I buy something that comes in a set or if I see a great deal on something, I'll pick it up and store it away.  I keep those things in mind for people I know I have to buy for at work (my TA, class parents, etc.).  However, I don't have a "gift closet" or buy things for people just in case they stop by and I need an extra gift.  I do understand why people do it though. 

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Re: Does anyone REALLY have a gift closet?

Yes I do


Not Dime Store junk....good quality items....for birthdays upcoming, Christmas, or cuz I love you.....