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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Much less. Now 66, retired, I do not need anything more...I use to buy clothes, makeup, exercise equipment, lots of very very little.  I hardly watch  QVC let alone buy. Amazon gets all my money now😄

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I watch a little less. I watched Courtney and Shawn last night....gadzooks! Shawn is an alpha dog. Everything is about her. She can't stop talking. And I feel like it's very high pressure. I preferred much more when it was just one host presenting the product, giving details, and actually taking time to show the customer the product they're getting. Now it's all about drinking, and I don't like that, and making it like a Kelly Clarkson talkshow.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I shop the website almost exclusively. I only like a few hosts, but None of the shows are appointment viewing. I have shopped QVC since the beginning, but tv shopping was a novelty, now is kind of outmoded and foolish. 

" You are entitled to your opinion. But you are not entitled to your own facts."
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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Used to almost always turn the Q on.  It was enjoyable to listen to the presentations even if not buying and just for background noise.  Not anymore!  It seems these hosts are selling themselves and not the products.  Sometimes it's aggrevating, sometimes b-o-r-i-n-g-.  Our of habit, I do watch ITKWD - however, I flip continuously from that to my town BOS meeting - that would tell you how even David's show has gone downhillWoman LOL.


Since those hawking the product cannot professionally present the product, explaining the product details 'cause that's tooooo much work for them and I can look it up online if need be - well I find that insulting!  I remember Jayne constantly complained about the hosts having to give garment sizing measurements - too much work apparently - and the Q eventually agreed.  Imho, that was the beginning of the Q's downfall:  many of us don't want to run to our laptops if we see something we like.  That's when the hosts started their needless chitchat to fill time.  And updated products, especially in thei clothing lines.  Not everyone likes huge, gaudy prints, some do - so, why not offer more younger classic lines along with the long baggy tunics!


Also, though honestly greatly improved this year, shipping times became ridiculous.  Also regarding shipping, years ago your could be charged one shipping charge for a specific group of items - always on a fashion day for sure.


I gave up on returns. (OT I'm still livid two items were never returned nor credited - my fault, return date had expired. However poor customer service for sure.)  Hate to have to return items anyways and keeping track is daunting:  don't bother anymore.  Bringing back their Quality Control Department would be appreciated.  Wearing a pair of LF pull-on jeans and the material has a slight defect - just not worth returning.  If I picked it up at a B&M, would have exchanged.


It's just not the Q it used to be.  Perhaps someday TPTB might awaken to the fact that it pays to listen to the customer!

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

@millieshops  could u tell me how u stopped buying?  I just retired and do not have nearly the income I did. I still find myself wanting (not needing) more clothes, shoes, makeup etc. it is such a ridiculous problem that I am mad at myself when something comes. I realize that it is fulfilling some need inside me. It is a work in progress but I am determined to stop. I am trying not to watch any shopping channel, but right now I have it on. After I read ur post, I will turn it off.😊

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

Yes, I hardly watch at all. At one time I watched a lot and often had it on even if not watching. They changed, not for the better, and my interests also changed. It's rare now for me to even turn it on.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

All the reasons have been covered many, many times.  But they are true.  Used to love it 30 years ago after the kids were asleep.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I don't think I ever watched a lot but I do think I purchase less than I did say 10 years ago or so.  I was a little trigger happy and would buy without thinking about it too much.  I do go thru spurts like I am now.  I'm going on a cruise at the end of the year and in need of clothing for myself and QVC clothing I find suits me best.  As far as hosts go, I don't give it any thought.  They're just doing their job.

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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

[ Edited ]

Much less. 




Lack of creativity and innovation in programming and set design.  


Lack of innovative vendors and products.  


Declining product quality.


Overuse of sales tactics.


Host unprofessionalism.


Unethical practices. 











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Re: Do you watch less QVC than you used to and why?

I was first attracted to the shopping channels when gold prices were reasonable.  Unfortunately, those days are long gone.


Also, since the Pandemic, I find I don't have the need for more makeup,  clothing, accessories.