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Watched a show the other night when Steve did the tasting and David just watched. It was,for want of a better word,just strange.

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David may have a health issue and/or has been working to lose weight. It's ok if he didn't taste anything.

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@Group 5 minus 1 David has been pretty vocal about his weight loss "journey." About a year ago, he cut out sugar and high carbohydrate foods. He lost about 70 pounds in the process. He does occasionally taste something not allowed in his diet, but he is clearly trying to stay away from them. They might be triggers for him, and so he has to be careful.

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I think it’s uncomfortable to watch him instruct Steve. Whether it’s food or any other product. Just let Steve taste and react. David just stands there looming over him. I don’t like them together. He is better with Rosina.


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Re: David not tasting food

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manny: I agree w/you. Thanks for saying what you did. Maybe its time for David to move on to other products. It is the "looming" that doesn't look good!

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I think he's on a diet.  That's okay - we'll take his word that it tastes good.  Well, we always did anyway, even when he was putting food in his mouth.

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I agree with the comments that state Steve should just taste the food without David ogling over him.

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Re: David not tasting food

[ Edited ]

My opinion, and my opinion only, I am not a follower of David's. Just not much of a fan. I will occasionally watch but I'm not into the Happy Dance and the constant (wait for the camera) showing of colors, etc.


With that said, if he doesn't want to taste food, that's fine. But if QVC believes he can continue presenting food items without tasting then it shouldn't be necessary for the other hosts to taste the food. I think QVC needs to stick to their standards, either the hosts must try the food or none of them need to. I really don't care if they taste anything, my food purchases are not determined by their reactions after a bite. I don't believe it is necessary. In fact, many times it's over the top. I do buy many food items.


So, basically, if you feel it's okay for David to not taste, all tasting should be eliminated since the Q believes it works okay. Otherwise, if they do want the hosts to try the items on air, David should no longer do food shows. Just my opinion.

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I don't know what good it does to see someone taste food.  Of course they aren't going to do anything but say it is wonderful.  What's the point in that?  

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@Sooner wrote:

I don't know what good it does to see someone taste food.  Of course they aren't going to do anything but say it is wonderful.  What's the point in that?  

As my Son says, Tell me when they say "THIS IS AWFUL", and spit it out, then you know if things are good or not. Doesn't change me, I still buy a lot of food from the Q. And I have never been disappointed.