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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

Very, very standard activity for retail.


For example, Pottery Barn's Halloween Store has been up for over a month and the Christmas Shoppe preview is available. 


Some posters seem to not understand how retail has operated for decades.


It must be months and months ahead.


Personally,  I love the Fall and Christmas activities!

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

I'm not interested or watching until after Thanksgiving. 

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

I dont watch CIJ so it's a Nay for me. It's just way too early for me. A week or two of Christmas programming here and there would be enough. JMO


I admit in the past I ordered a few sweet treats at great prices to be delivered close to the holiday, but I haven't even done that for a few years now. I don't need anymore Christmas decorations. If I really need or want something, I can buy it locally.


Have a Good Day! 

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

@bestday wrote:

Yay for Christmas! Nay for Christmas in July anywhere!



I agree!  Best answer for me too!

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

When I was young, we used to have a department store that out up its Christmas section in late September. I could not wait to see it! The Sears "Wish Book" would arrive around the same time.
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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

Definitely a nay for me.

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

BIG YEAH for me. It's just fun

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

My favorite time of year, lots to shop for!

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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???

Absolutely YAY for me! I love the ideas, selection, gifts and prices!
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Re: Christmas in July...Yay or Nay???
