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Make it stop.  I so totally agree with you.  I hate this early pushing of holidays, even though it's been going on for so long now, and I should be used to it.  But I seem to hate it more and more, as time is going faster and faster for me.


It's all because businesses want us to spend more and more money stuff.  That's why it is the way it is.  I know I can't do anything about it, except ignore it in whatever ways I can.  I get that, but I can still admit to hating it all, so much.

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The shows today have been fabulous....I've enjoyed everything. So much better than seeing a Shark vacuum or another Dooney bag.
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As long as sales are up and people continue to buy, they will be selling Christmas stuff from July going forward every year. 


Perhaps they will sell it 12 months out of the year....with no waitlist, no reorder.

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Nothing wrong with a day here and there. QVC loses me when the sets are officially decorated for Christmas way before Halloween.  I rarely watch after Black Friday.

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@Sylanne wrote:

Get used to it.  QVC will beat this type of programming into the ground until Dec. 23.

Along with Hallmark only Hallmark will keep going until after New Years. lolSmiley Happy

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@JohnnyeagerI too loved the shows  yesterday I, watched all day, and bought things. I don't decorate a tree anymore, but the trees yesterday were beautiful.How can you not love all the decorations. I bought 3 sets of lights and can't wait to get them, I have so much planned for them. I don't watch the shoe shows because they don't sell my width, but that doesn't mean it upsets me to have it on. I'm not a 24 hour watcher but I was yesterday. My kitchen table has a lighted vase and candle on it, plus  trees or birds lit around it 24/7 and it makes me smile when they come on.

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I agree, but it's all about getting the first sales of the year .... $$$!

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Very disheartening to see Christmas holidays reduced to year round commercialism.The news shows talk about a war on Christmas?This is war on Christmas

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@shy bobcat wrote:

I agree, but it's all about getting the first sales of the year .... $$$!

Exactly!  To much of anything imo makes you lose the excitement and the true meaning of what this is all about.

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Me too @TheMemphisVette I love the Christmas shows and always buy, buy, buy!