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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Just noticed CD's Americana is imported. Does anyone know from where?

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Posts: 13,327
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Thanks,Mr. W.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,233
Registered: ‎06-14-2010

I think CarverDan's work is beautiful and very reasonably priced.  I have a few boxes , one was given to me as a gift, and have them on display.  The quality of work is excellent.  I am aware of his work origin country, he teaches and employs workers.

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Posts: 1,355
Registered: ‎03-15-2010
His pieces are beautiful. We have two in our house and also gifted them to two of our grandchildren for the holidays. We put $5 in each box and they had to figure out how to open them to get their prize.
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