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Carolyn's Live Message on FB

Very sweet message.  So nice of her to share her story.  She looks wonderful.

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

I agree, up to a point. Yes, it's a wonderful story, but there are others of us out here who have also survived (or are in the process of so doing) other forms of cancer. It's not just breast cancer that requires surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. All forms of cancer can kill.

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

I agree with you Zita that all cancers are very scary and require a lot of treatments and worry time.I hope that your cancer is also under control and that your future is very healthy and happy.I always admire the spirit and show of strength from those who are battling and beating this horrible are all very brave warriors.

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

Very nice message. I agree with all she said. She wasn't discounting any type of cancer. I am a 4 year survivor of breast cancer with sugery, chemo and rads.  Her words apply to any cancer. The way we react when we are told we have cancer is the only thing that is the same---sheer terror. But there is hope!!!!

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

I agree breast cancer like any other cancer is equally as devastating, yet people with other cancers do not seem to broad cast their experiences as breast cancer victims do. I know they do it to raise awareness and money for the disease,but there is a time and place for that. I know I would not feel comfortable making a video about my breast cancer experience, but the host is an entertainer so it probably comes naturally to her.

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

@Zita no one is discounting that there are all kinds of cancer.  Cancer is cancer, no matter where it attacks your body.  Carolyn was speaking from her personal experience and no matter what the story, I felt she was gracious enough to share hers.   

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Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

@Zita wrote:

I agree, up to a point. Yes, it's a wonderful story, but there are others of us out here who have also survived (or are in the process of so doing) other forms of cancer. It's not just breast cancer that requires surgery, chemo, radiation, etc. All forms of cancer can kill.



it is sad that there are only a few cancers that are "popular" enough to offer assistance to people who are unfortunate enough to contract them.    If a person doesn't have breast, ovarian, colorectal, or blood cancers, then getting help for diagnostic tests, medication, and/ or treatment is impossible.   Testing is a real impossibility to many people, particularly seniors.   

Posts: 55
Registered: ‎07-19-2016

Re: Carolyn's Live Message on FB

I agree with wagirl and also believe that Carolyn wasn't discounting other types of cancers but rather only sharing her personal experience with the type that particularly affected her. She is only speaking about what she "knows" and, being in the public eye, she has the opportunity to help others who might be facing a similar frightening situation.  It is great that she is sharing her experience, and I believe it truly comes from a good place.   I appreciate her sincerity and admire her openness.  I am glad that she had a good outcome.