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How about just selling a product on its merits? If you have to f/////l/////u/////f/////f it up that much, you ain't got much. Can the bull and do your job which is selling - and selling is not lying, making it up as you go along, faking it until you make it or anything else that is ultimately offensive to the more intelligent shoppers.

Things look and sound pretty desperate at QVC.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

I don't give a rat's rear end **how many of anything*** Caroline has and I get sick of her going on and on about what SHE has, or her mom has , blah blah blah. Just hush about your personal nonsense and sell the products.

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Registered: ‎05-10-2013

They all do this and it is stomach turning

Don't worry, be Happy!
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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

And stomach churning!

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Registered: ‎04-21-2010

don't forget they must get a big discount

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All the hosts do it. It's just a sales tactic - oh, this is so great I HAVE to HAVE IT.

Disregard it!

Hyacinth {}

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On 8/11/2014 Plain Ann said:

Did anyone else just hear Caroline say, "Hurry up and order this for me so I can be ahead of everyone in line?" Really! How inappropriate and I like to watch her too. Let's let the description of the clothes, models, and style encourage customers to want to buy.

Didn't see the show, but if you're going to complain about her, maybe you should take the time to know her name and spell it correctly. Her name is Carolyn.

Posts: 54
Registered: ‎09-10-2014
On 8/13/2014 TwoWhiteCatsandAChicken said:
On 8/11/2014 Plain Ann said:

Did anyone else just hear Caroline say, "Hurry up and order this for me so I can be ahead of everyone in line?" Really! How inappropriate and I like to watch her too. Let's let the description of the clothes, models, and style encourage customers to want to buy.

Yes, I heard Carolyn say that and had to rewind the DVR to make sure I heard it right. I've watched hosts on the other shopping channel order an item while they are on the air but they also specifically point out that they (the hosts) are put to the back of the line. In other words, customers come first. I'm just happy I don't wear Carolyn's size.

I wish Carolyn would wear Carolyn's size too. She dresses in larges but she's in denial; what would be appropriate to her figure would be extra-large.