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@Bella2022  I'd hardly call laying off 5,000 employees for a company the size of CVS as going under.  Those employess could be anything from stockers, checkers, warehouse workers, customer service people, office workers etc.  I'd say they are just going through and finding out they may not need as many employees since the whole "pandemic" thing ended and may be doing some downsizing of staff.  Also with many pharmacies closing in areas due to extreme theft, that could account for a loss of staff as well.  

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Yakking with a clerk at our independent pharmacy.  He said he was going into physical therapy because there was too much competition in the pharmacy field.  (Upper Michigan)  ???  But I've also seen the same contradictory stories about truckers on TV.  Shortage in one story, surplus in another a day later on another channel.

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@Bella2022   Doubtful.  My understanding of the size and structure of the company makes me think different, but like so very many companies they see a need to shed workers not needed immediately.  Seems they no longer feel the need to have extras "just in case."

Those affected aren't who we see in the stores.




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IMHO that thread titlle is very misleading.  From what I. read, those layoffs are not at the store level.  I hardly equate that to "going under".  That's how rumors get started!!!

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I have no idea what CVS is up to.


Within 2 miles of my house CVS built 4 pharmacies. There are also 2 other pharmacies in the same area.


I can not believe that CVS makes  enough profit at those 4 pharmacies to keep all of them open.



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🏩 Too many stores . . . . . 


We have 7 stores, far too many for the size of this city. In addition, CVS has some of the highest prices around on prescriptions, food & beverages, and general merchandise. The customer service has sadly declined, and stores that were once busy are now empty.

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@Mindy D   That's happening elsewhere in our local medical offices - especially among the PA's and RPN's and the front desk workers.  My primary care appointments are made a year ahead, but that's also true to for any routine visits to see his medical assistants. 


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They are very overpriced, even on their own brand. 

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Re: CVS going under

[ Edited ]

We live near a cityof roughly 35,000 people with one very small hospital. There are 3 CVS, one Walmart, a few private pharmacies and 2 Walgreens.  There are also more CVs and Walgreens in the nearby suburbs as well as pharmacies in Publix and Harris Teeter. 


Unfortunately, the clerks in some of these stores are pretty bad.  I called to refill 4 prescriptions once and the same clerk kept telling my I couldn't get them refilled.  I checked with my drug plan who told me it was not true and reported the issue to CVS corportate.  Also had a prescription filled incorrectly after my cataract surgery........even with a typed script from the opthalmologist......when I showed it to him, he called the pharmacy directly. 


The funniest thing is that one of the pharmacy clerks kept hitting on my BF whenever we went in to pick up medication. Crazy lady. LOL

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CVS should go under.  They are high as a cat's back.  Even with a coupon, they are still quite a bit more than Walmart or Target.