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Re: CRAZY I have to sign for QVC Packages being delivered by UPS

[ Edited ]

It would be very inconvenient for me.  I'm not going to leave work in order to sign for a package.  I was thinking of ordering a Barefoot Dreams sweater if it's reduced a little further, but now not so sure.  I wonder if QVC has done all they can do to tighten up things on their end before they start inconveniencing the customer.  Let's face it, people have posted they have received packages intended for other people.  That's on the QVC end, not delivery.  

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Re: CRAZY I have to sign for QVC Packages being delivered by UPS

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I agree. I was away from home today, Friday, and UPS was at my porch with three packages containing two pairs of leggings and a dress. I saw the UPS lady on my ring doorbell. She left a tag on my front door and left. These three packages apparently needed a signature. When I got home, I called QVC to see if this was a new policy. the rep. said not that she knew of. And looking at my purchase order online, I don't see anywhere where a signature is required. I called UPS and they looked up my information and told me that my packages required a signature. I was fit to be tied! All of this nonsense for two leggings and a dress? They will try to re-deliver again on Monday-and who knows where I will be on Monday! Lol! QVC needs to change this policy! I will think twice about purchasing anything more from them. I want simple! Thanks for letting me fuss.Smiley Frustrated

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Re: CRAZY I have to sign for QVC Packages being delivered by UPS

@Kindaglitzy wrote:
Prior to COVID March 2020 UPS driver required a signature for all packages. March 2020 to current, no signature required. Driver drops, knocks on door and I yell out “okay, thank you” this way he/she knows I’m there and will get package shortly. They are long gone by time I open my door. If it’s my regular driver, I had an agreement with him that he would leave at my door if I was not there. Because of this I would never blame him if it was taken, thankfully never was. I live in a condo so not quite as risky as leaving on open porch. I received a package this week from HSN and no signature requested. Only thing I don’t like is they come so late and sometimes I’m ready to go to bed and have to wait for them.

I agree that they may be testing in select areas in preparation for their peak Holiday season. Have to say with virus still active I’m a little surprised that their union has agreed to the personal contact starting again.



@Kindaglitzy   Maybe this depended on what part of the country you live. 


Back in the day, UPS would ALWAYS ring the bell and wait a bit for an answer. If you weren't home most times they would just leave the package on the porch. I could count on one hand the number of times I actually had to sign for a delivery. It was very, very rare. I would imagine that the times a signature was required it was due to the vendor, not UPS.


In the recent past, UPS would ring the bell and call out, "UPS", if our front door was open and leave the package.


These days they never even bother to ring the bell. They just drop off the package.


My husband's friend used to work for UPS for many years. They run on a very strict schedule and are timed on their deliveries. They simply don't have the time to wait around to see if anyone answers the door and get a signature.