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HSN is offering the 10" Amazon Fire tablet. I bought it last summer. After a month ago it started jumping, skipping and often goes to the wrong place when I enter a web address. It was $88. You get what you pay for!
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I got one at Christmas as a back up for my Samsung Tablet which I love.  The Fire Tab has some good qualities but has many features that drive me nuts.  The operating system, an off-the-wall version of Android is for the birds.  Lately, every time I switch screens on QVC, it goes into mobile mode and I have to change it.  Lot's of annoyances.  There are many commonly used apps that it won't let you download; it wants you to only use Amazon related apps.  The keyboard and spell-check will drive you nuts.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I find that it is good for an ereader but not much else.

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Re: Buyer Beware!

[ Edited ]

My daughter got one and gave it to her 4 year old son, he loves it!!

My hubby has had several tablets and says it is worth paying for Apple. 

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I have 4 Fire tablets - one for every room I might need one in. I never have any problems with them. I don't like using apps - just go straight to any website I want to use. However I don't use any social media so don't know how that affects usage. And I don't play any games. I upgrade one of them every year at the end of the year and trade in my oldest one. End up getting a new one for under $50. 


I don't use them for reading - for that I have the Kindle Paperwhite.

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Re: Buyer Beware!

[ Edited ]

@ellaphant I am so sorry that this happened to you.  I have 2 of the Fire tablets and both of them are a disappointment.  The first one freezes on me, although it is about 7 years old now.  The 2nd one I bought 2 years ago barely has sound, and it stops for a few seconds when I am listening to music..  I am done with them.

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@ellaphant - Perhaps you got a defective model (happens with all brands)? There are many sites with simple steps you could follow to address a wide range of issues, and Amazon customer service and tech support can be very helpful. I absolutely love my Fire tablet and use it for several hours every day to do all kinds of things, and I've never experienced any problems. I hope you figure out how to get everything working...

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I bought my  Amazon Tablet from QVC a year ago or so. It's ok, I play candy crush on it mostly.  My 6 yo grandson was staying overnight with me a few months ago, he has his own tablet but wanted to use mine so he could look up maps to locate his home and other places when suddenly I got a email from Amazon confirming the purchase of almost $100 of toy trucks and cars. I had to cancel the orders and took my tablet back and told him he could only play with his own amazon childrens  tablet !

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I tolerate the Amazon kindle but all is true about it jumping around. I use it as I would use the desktop if not more for emails, paying bills and everyday use. As one poster said I get a new one every year via a trade in for short money

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@Goodie2shoes   Just be glad he didn't access a Chevrolet dealership!

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment