Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,758
Registered: ‎01-18-2012

Can anyone tell me what time of day  the Big Deal first presented?  Thank you.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,759
Registered: ‎11-06-2011

@dulwich - Presentations of the TSV and Big Deal typically air at noon ET every day on the main channel. But the first presentation of the Big Deal seems to vary depending on the type of product; for example, kitchen-related Big Deals sometimes debut during an ITKWD show on QVC or ITKWM on QVC2 on Saturdays. And I've seen fashion Big Deals get "sneak peeks" during some of the regularly scheduled fashion shows before any formal "kickoff presentation."


To add even more inconsistency, sometimes Big Deal items may be available online for a day or two, but once they've had an on-air presentation, the deal sometimes ends at the end of that very first day.


QVC2 has had (and continues to have) some serious promotion and user-friendliness issues this year...

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,758
Registered: ‎01-18-2012

@loriqvc  Thank you for your reply.

 I agree the 'times of presentation' appear to me to be a big mess - why bother with a Big Deal if you never know when or how it is going to be presented.   More sales missed!