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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

There is no defense to these inappropriate comments on air.  Management needs to step up......

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

Would it have been better if she said she had varicose veins or a hernia or even urinary incontinence?


We are all human and we all are subject to medical problems.  Just because these problems might be in a certain area of the body doesn't make them gross or unthinkable.


As we get older, many of us we have more health concerns.


What's disgusting about hemorrhoids? They are a fact of life and a pain in the rear for millions of people.


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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

@LorelaiGilmore wrote:


@San Antonio Gal wrote:

I saw this on Facebook.  The US Sun wrote an article about Shawn after her recent comment in Vegas about her hemorrhoid.


If you want to read it, google "QVC fans ‘boycotting’ Shawn Killinger after she ‘crosses the line’ with ‘disgusting’ personal reveal live on air".



OMG, truly idiotic. If only these horrible offended "QVC fans" would put their energy into something actually meaningful and positive... I'm way more disgusted by their behavior and constant negativity than anything Shawn says. Good riddance!


Just like you, those people are can have their opinions and choose to shop at Q or elsewhere. 


I certainly didn't watch the Vegas ovoer 50 group. Given how hosts act on air, I knew Vegas was going to go downhill fast. 


It's insulting to watch women who are supposed to be lifting up other women act like fools, scream over each other, and talk about nothing that lifts up women. 

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

@nascarfan wrote:

There is no defense to these inappropriate comments on air.  Management needs to step up......

QVC management should have stepped up a long time ago.  The problem is they keep giving Shawn extra chances.


When Shawn couldn't save Christmas with Nancy Yoon, they brought in Rick to save the show.


When Shawn intentionally blew her bad breath in her husband's face during a QVC livestream & kept bringing her daughter on camera since she claimed she didn't prepare anything to say or know what to do for her scheduled broadcasts, QVC canceled her livestreams.


When Shawn kept putting her hands on people after she rubbed her nose a few times, they told her to use tissues (which she stopped using after a few shows).


When Shawn kept interrupting and bossing people around, they ended up pairing her with other co-hosts.


When Shawn put her artwork on display which showed she doesn't know the difference between "then" and "than," QVC let her keep it there on set.


When Shawn shows up with badly chipped nail polish, they do their best to zoom in on her nails as if there's nothing wrong with it.  


QVC managment has no idea what to do with her other than tell her to keep it real and keep daring to overshare.  They see her as a comedian to put in the best timeslots with the best products.  I don't see management changing their stance.  

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

[ Edited ]

@nascarfan    If I disliked someone as much as you seem to dislike Shawn, I would make it a point to notwatch her.  Apparently QVC management doesn't agree with you.

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

It's pretty obvious to me that Shawn is QVC's most valuable on-air female talent.  David is her male equivalent,  but who knows how they stack up head to head.


She has prime hours, magazine photo covers and stories, featured news articles and prominent billing in brand advertisements.   Like her or not, she appears to have significant value to the brand.

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas


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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

I wonder how valuable she is to the brand moving forward.
Maybe she should be the one to address the current dilemma playing out.
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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

Some people need a job. Good grief. So petty.

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Re: Article in The US Sun about Shawn's hemorrhoid comment in Vegas

@Lakelife62   I agree,  there seems to be a theme from some who want QVC to fail because they either don't like the higher prices. Or the hosts, or the shipping fees, no enough free shipping days, and the complaints go on and on.  If QVC fails thousands of people will lose their jobs, lose their homes and devastating to the West Chester and surrounding communities.   I don't get it at all.  I don't worship hosts, nor do I care what they do in their personal lives nor what they say.  If I don't like a program on TV, no matter what it is, I change the channel.