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have to butt in and have to agree with all these posts.  I think they need much more variety but I also think that some of the hosts are unwatchable.   They need to stop interrupting each other.  The vendors interrupting the hosts, and the hosts interrupting the Vendors is getting old.  It is a total turn off.   


Some of these hosts are not new.  If you want more viewers you need more varieties and hosts that talk about the products and not themselves.  I swaer some of them probably walk off the set kissing themselves.  Jeeze!

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Posts: 4,261
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

@Spurt wrote:



I wont be watching this snoozefest...I Agree QVC does an OVERKILL with their beauty shows..........and why always such awful programming on the weekend...IT COSMETICS or ARGAN OIL week after week and month after month....I dont watch QVC that often nor buy much anymore!...Variety QVC Variety!..

Spurt--did you ever get that right!  

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Posts: 4,261
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

@grooms wrote:

All day beauty?  Call it all day IT....for crying out loud....all these informercial channel are bombarded with IT products, 24 hours a day....why does QVC have to do the same?  I personally will never ever try or buy IT products because I resent them being pushed down my throat everytime I turn on tv!  My heavens wth all they sell, their prices should be dirt cheap but yet they are over-priced and a simple trip to ULTA will give you the product immediately with no s/h

Grooms--I even get IT commercials as spam in my email.......the overkilll is a major turnoff!

Respected Contributor
Posts: 4,261
Registered: ‎07-11-2010

@Spurt wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@Spurt wrote:



I wont be watching this snoozefest...I Agree QVC does an OVERKILL with their beauty shows..........and why always such awful programming on the weekend...IT COSMETICS or ARGAN OIL week after week and month after month....I dont watch QVC that often nor buy much anymore!...Variety QVC Variety!..

@Spurt  I'm sorry to have to point out to you that you neglected to mention that other weekend staple, the girls from rub-a-dub-dub... Philosophy... I'm personally shocked by this oversight, Spurt... Regardless, no, I won't be watching either...


As for the 'why'... I guess for the same reason they seem to offer so little variety across the board... Who knows why... It's like they're stuck...


One thought that comes to mind is that perhaps not everybody gets their Q Beauty channel, or whatever it's called... I don't think I do and you know, I don't miss it... a bit...



Forgive me .....mea culpa......but Philosophy did take a brief hiatus I guess that was so they could water down the forumulas to have enough on hand for yet another TSV or "featured price" (ya know the featured price where they take a WHOLE $3!!! off the origial Q price)..................But your right I definitely should've included them...!!!  


I think another area where the QVC Execs are CLUELESS is that even though you can live stream Beauty IQ on you computer, lap top, tablet or phone.....only the millienials like to watch tv/movies on those tiny screens ........and yes you can hook up your phone to your smart TV to get a bigger picture, but why go through all that trouble to watch the SAME OLE STUFF!!!....(and then there may be data limitations or extra charges for live streaming depending on your phone provider and your phone plan).......


I have no desire to watch Beauty IQ ......even when I watched QVC regularly I wouldnt watch the beauty shows .. (with the exception of perhaps one Laura Geller show perhaps once or twice A YEAR  and then only for a few minutes never the whole show!) Again, instead of a vareity QVC prefers OVER SATURATION!!!Woman Frustrated

Spurt--great post, totally agree and your 2nd paragraph is a hoot! Thanks for the great laugh!