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I enjoy Amy very much, she is a pleasure to watch!

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Re: AMY STRAN 11-9-24

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Yes, I like Amy, she is one of the good ones, she has a beautiful family as well and doesn't dwell on bringing them into her conversations and sticks to the what she's presenting like the professional that she is..

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I always like watching Amy and she looks good in everything she presents too.

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Re: AMY STRAN 11-9-24

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As far as her weight, I find 130 hard to believe.  I am 128 and 5'1" and she looks way slimmer than I and I wear a Petite Small, not an XXS like she often says.  She looks more like 100 lbs to me!!

Amy is by far my favorite host.  She mentions her family but not in a bragging way. She doesn't act all goofy, is not constantly fixing her hair, doesn't overdo the makeup, speaks with a clear voice and is great at tellinng us all we need to know in order to buy.  She is put together without looking odd with big glasses, hats, fake puffy lips, extreme hair, etc.  She is who she is and doesn't try to be something she isn't.  I hope she reads these posts and knows how much we like her style of presenting. 

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@RescueLover wrote:

Hi! @haddon9 🤗

Amy lifts weights, like I do and muscle weights more than fat. Nobody believes I weigh what I do, but that’s the reason why.

You are certainly correct about muscle weight.  My daughter who is 47 lifts weights and spends an hour everyday in her gym working out.  She is only 5' tall, is very slim wearing a 2 or 4, but she surprises me when she says what she weighs and its all muscle weight. She eats healthy but can pig out with the rest of us when we are having family meals because she burns it off.

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@U of M Go Blue   yes she did say 130.   I'm an inch taller than her and we are the same size.  I always look to see how she moods in clothes as I know how they will look in me.  I fluctuate between 126 and 128. I am however much older than Amy.  Weight as you says depends on muscle mass.  I don't have the muscle mass I used to.    She also says she loves to eat and doesn't stress if she gains a few pounds.   I love her attitude and her style and she definitely is a consummate professional.  

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Re: AMY STRAN 11-9-24

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......., Amy seems very honest, too.


Not saying that she ordered 'this and that'.


I like the way she says what she wears in real life.


That's important, especially for her children, too.  


Not a good thing to lie on air, because one day, the youngsters will think that it's perfectly ok to tell lies / fabrications.  

Not to mention over-spending.


Nice to be somewhat 'thrifty' as an example for the kids. 

'Know the value of the dollar', etc. for their future.



Wishing Amy and her hubby and entire family the very best !

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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She’s said many times that growing up they went to the same Vacation spot each year. I’m pretty sure its the same location where her and her Husband Steve bought a condo last summer. She cut back on her unboxing videos and when she does have one there not as Big a Haul as they were before buying their 2nd home. The first time she mentioned the 2nd home was during an unboxing video of Steak knives and she said the set was for their other place. 🤗🤗🤗

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Re: AMY STRAN 11-9-24

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p.s.  I must add that I'm not insinuating that anyone 'lies' / tells fibs on air here at the Q.


I'm just saying and  thinking that, across the country/world, sales spokes-people might  allegedly fabricate their purchases, etc.  Saying that they ordered or use 'this and that'.  


I'm fairly sure that the Q's hosts do purchase a lot of items for themselves and as gifts, etc.


It's very refreshing that hosts such as Amy seem 'thrifty' and aren't afraid to admit / say so.  


That's all I meant. 


Wishing all hosts and employees the very best, and much success.



'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Registered: ‎07-07-2013

Love watching Amy.  She is the perfect host.