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A thought about host banter?

I was watching steal and deals GMA. They spend 30-60 seconds on the items for sale. Unlike Q that might spend 10 minutes explaining compression sox. 


Because of the time scheduled for items,hosts have to ramble on and on about a mundane item. To fill the time they can : ramble such as dress it up or dress it down, or give one to the mail man.......OR banter with the co-host about personal stories or silly stories. When they banter and ramble is when many viewers get very critical of the content of the banter and thus critical of hosts.


We can comment about JT's daughters or Mally's age 50 remarks but Q wants this to happen. 


I'm beginning to think the "banter time" is deliberate to ceate the "retail-entertainment" channel. The point of co-host is to have a banter partner.

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Re: A thought about host banter?



Yes, I believe you are right about this!

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Re: A thought about host banter?

I tune into to QVC to shop, NOT to be entertained.   


Basic fundamentals seem to be overlooked by the executives. 

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Re: A thought about host banter?

@granddi  - If the chit-chat was cut out, more products could be presented.  I would love to be able to see more products!  

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Re: A thought about host banter?

@granddi I agree 100%

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Re: A thought about host banter?

To me the definition of a homeshopping host is this:


Part actor

Part sales rep

Part con artist (!)

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Re: A thought about host banter?

Well back in the't believe I am using that phrase), hosts would present every possible aspect of the item they presented. They either sold you on it or change your mind. They were more direct on if this was something you needed,  could use or would love it just.    Today Q's  new brand hosts descriptions are so vague you really don't know what your are getting till it's in your hand. Banter use to be intelligent and fun but not the main part of dumbed down ignorant presentations, looking for sympathy or just plain ignorant. 

My purchases  from Q are extremely minimal and never watch for the show for company.

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Re: A thought about host banter?

[ Edited ]

@granddi wrote:

I was watching steal and deals GMA. They spend 30-60 seconds on the items for sale. Unlike Q that might spend 10 minutes explaining compression sox. 


Because of the time scheduled for items,hosts have to ramble on and on about a mundane item. To fill the time they can : ramble such as dress it up or dress it down, or give one to the mail man.......OR banter with the co-host about personal stories or silly stories. When they banter and ramble is when many viewers get very critical of the content of the banter and thus critical of hosts.


We can comment about JT's daughters or Mally's age 50 remarks but Q wants this to happen. 


I'm beginning to think the "banter time" is deliberate to ceate the "retail-entertainment" channel. The point of co-host is to have a banter partner.

@granddi @I remember reading an article about home shopping channels some years ago. The person being interviewed for the article said that because of their research they knew exactly how long different products needed to be on air to maximize sales. That's why the banter. They also found that regular viewers began to see the hosts as a kind of friend they were letting into their homes. Another finding about their research was that most sales were better with two persons on air versus only one and that is why they initially moved to two hosts or a host and a guest. This was discovered long ago and maintained. It was retested over the years. The person being interviewed also said they could view sales quantities in real time and could tell which behaviors consistently drove up sales. Most of the research was generated before online shopping became big but they continued with research after. 

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Re: A thought about host banter?

Honestly, do the hosts and vendors really think I care about their personal lives or opinions?  They could all use classes on voice as they sound so irritating and turn folks off.  


Not like th epast may years ago - 3 minutes on an item and then it's move on to the next one.  

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Re: A thought about host banter?

 Very Unnecessary  and put the TV on mute  .