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For the first time in the 25+ years I've been shopping QVC, I received a $15 off $50 coupon.  Wow!!


Posts: 35
Registered: ‎03-13-2010

About time.  Now we need them to drop the shipping charges!

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Waiting for mine! 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Mine came in the mail last night.  Since I haven't bought anything in a very long time and don't watch, I'm not sure how they decided I would get one.


Not sure if I'll find anything I want to buy.



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Good for you! I hope I get one!

Happy 1st day of September.


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Congratulations.  After 25 years, you deserve it!

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I remember getting  QVC coupons abt 20 yrs ago. Maybe they picked customers who  had not madea recent purchase to try to drw them back in with a coupon

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I never received the mugs, candy, or coupons from QVC.  I guess since I am a "power shopper" they don't have to reward me.   Free S & H on tsv would be a winner though.  


“If we couldn’t laugh we would all go insane.”- Jimmy Buffet
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@luvzchiz wrote:

I never received the mugs, candy, or coupons from QVC.  I guess since I am a "power shopper" they don't have to reward me.   Free S & H on tsv would be a winner though.  


@luvzchiz Me either!  I shop here an awful lot....thousands each year and they never give me anything.  No, I take that back....I did get a Thanksgiving card from them last year "signed" from all of the hosts.  LOL!

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Posts: 9,855
Registered: ‎02-07-2011

@haddon9 wrote:

@luvzchiz wrote:

I never received the mugs, candy, or coupons from QVC.  I guess since I am a "power shopper" they don't have to reward me.   Free S & H on tsv would be a winner though.  


@luvzchiz Me either!  I shop here an awful lot....thousands each year and they never give me anything.  No, I take that back....I did get a Thanksgiving card from them last year "signed" from all of the hosts.  LOL!

Since I've ordered a total of 6 items this year and will have difficulty even using my coupon, I agree with a previous poster that they may be trying to lure me back.  It will probably take more than a $15 discount though--LOL!!!!