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Re: what would you do in this situation?

My first question is do you know who lives there? Are there children in the house? Have you seen animals outside at all? This may lead you to report to the agency that would get the quickest response. But I definately think you should report the situation. If no children I suggest animal control and fire marshall. 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: what would you do in this situation?

never seen the owner, or the dogs.  my main concern is this happens approximately the same time in the morning.

  i know she leaves the house from time to time, as her car is not always there. 

in my mind, it sounds like a feeding frenzy, dogs vying for scraps of food.  they might even be caged up. who knows. 

doesn't sound normal at all.

thanks for the advice. i think i will make a couple of calls.

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Re: what would you do in this situation?


@CrazyDaisy wrote:

How can you possibly know exactly what is going on?  Sounds like you have a very active imagination.  If concerned go talk to them so you have some facts, then report if necessary.

thanks for your two cents, but if you actually read my post, i clearly stated that i do not know what is going on.  

i also do not have a active imagination. you haven't heard the sounds of these poor animals whining, snarling, and barking every day at the same time.  i sincerley hope that you don't have any animals.  

i have had animals long enough to know what a animal sounds like when it's in distress.  everyone knows what some people can do behind closed doors.

would you be of a different opinion if it were crying and screaming children???   

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Re: what would you do in this situation?

Just call Animal Control.  They will investigate.

Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎05-12-2010

Re: what would you do in this situation?

The more agencies you report to, the better the outcome.  The more people making reports, the more likely it is to be investigated.  Best of luck and good for you for being the lifeline to these animals, and maybe even the people who live there.

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Re: what would you do in this situation?

Be a caring neighbor and call your county home inspection agency.  The resident may be in dire need of help but unable to care for himself or herself (or the animals).  You can remain anonymous.  Don't fall into the "it's not my business" mentality.  We are our brother's keepers, especially during covid.

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Re: what would you do in this situation?



Call authorities and  tell them what you see and hear... they can either direct you to  or  they will call the people who can go out and do a check.... who knows, maybe children live in the squalor too.... it does not hurt to at least report it. I think it is your duty.