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Registered: ‎06-25-2018

paws for foxtales.  kirby got another foxtale in  hisfoot.  this time i wasable to pull it out before it worked it's way into his foot.  so nowe every time he comes inside i chech his paws for them.


we have had such a wet spring that the foxtales are growing everywhere.  when i cut them down, the stickers stay on the ground.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@shortbreadlover   If they're in your yard, can't you just dig them up?  That's dangerous for your dog to be getting them in his feet or ears, etc.  It's also extremely painful, which I'm sure you  know.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Posts: 116
Registered: ‎10-19-2018

@shortbreadlover wrote:

paws for foxtales.  kirby got another foxtale in  hisfoot.  this time i wasable to pull it out before it worked it's way into his foot.  so nowe every time he comes inside i chech his paws for them.


we have had such a wet spring that the foxtales are growing everywhere.  when i cut them down, the stickers stay on the ground.



Thank you you for reminding everybody @shortbreadlover.
