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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

cat with thyroid issues---good news today

My stripey cat, Echo, was recently dx with hyperthyroid disease--has been on the transdermal meds for a month and went back for re- check Tuesday and  great news!! All her labs--urine, cbc, kidney and liver as well as thyoid levels are darn near perfect for an old girl her age--12 years!!  Still needs the meds and needs to gain weight--she lost 6 more oz.-- but am very pleased.Woman Very Happy she has been a mighty high maintenance girl lately---Cat LOL

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: cat with thyroid issues---good news today

@wagirl - I have a hyperthyroid cat.  She's nearly 16 now and has been on levothyroxine for years.  She's okay but recently has been vomiting a lot and losing weight, so we paid another visit to the vet this week.


She's now on a couple more meds and I'm hoping they'll turn things around.  She's happy in herself, so we just do what we can to keep her that way, but her recent weight loss is concerning.  I'm going to try to find a different food that might tempt her more.


We do what we have to for our furbabies, don't we?

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Posts: 16,463
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: cat with thyroid issues---good news today

@Venezia --wow--16 years old! Am convinced keeping cats inside can really extend their lives----I have been reading about how to fatten up under weight cats and most suggest feeding kitten food to them. Now I haven't cleared this with my vet but I will. also a dollop of thick yougurt as well--and again, not sure as I thought cows milk was not good for cats. Yes we do cater to them--Woman Wink